[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

In regards to my early comments about having issues with Ground Stomp & Furious Charge not casting sometimes when the ability is pressed, I actually tried using Leap instead and I notice the issue happens a LOT less often for me now.

Also actually find Leap more fun to use, it’s not as efficient at grouping as Ground Stomp or as mobile as Furious Charge, but it sort of sits between those 2 abilities with the call of arreat rune.

I’ve actually also noticed i’m capable of keeping up the armour bonus of the iron impact rune while also keeping perma wrath, but it’s tight… and eh, leaping every 4 seconds makes me ability seem more tedious than fun.

But the best part is jumping down levels when i’d have to run around them with charge or stomp.

But definitely give it a go guys, its super fun for t16

Set yourself up to do no damage and pick a difficulty where you won’t get killed. Then go into Weeping Hollow in Act 1 and practice herding mobs into a giant pack. Lots of little clumps you can Spear and move around. Then try the same thing in Halls of Agony to see how it works in narrow corridors.

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Hello, I’m paragon 218 and had a couple questions:

  • Flavor of time with Cold % / Crit / Cooldown / Movement speed: should i roll the cold to physical or movement to crit damage?

  • I haven’t found either of the set weapons. I did find an Ambo. Is Echoing fury a good off-hand to use until I find BK or Ish?

There’s a 142 clear on the Korean server.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/sDC7Tvd (remove space between h and ttps)

No AD on gear. BR:STP. WW: Wind Shear. “Only” 8886 paragon.

Yes I have been experimenting with Leap a bit, it is like using a teleport skill in places, it is quite fun actually but like you said it doesn’t group as well as Ground Stomp.

It depends. How much CHC / CHD / ELE% do you have elsewhere?

Sure. It helps you move around a bit faster. However, if you have a Doombringer or a Sun Keeper, those would be better.

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While Rage gives the proper answer, I would advise you to keep cold/chc/chd/cdr/socket. FoT is notoriously hard to roll and now you’ll have a cross-class perfect amulet for cold damage. Less damage in the short run due to no physical, more options in the long run


That’s a good point.

If you’re farming BK’s may be better than Istivans, I’m knocking down 2:30-3:00 minute 100’s with BK’s. I say BK’s just because when you run into dead patches in low level GR’s (100-105) you drop too much fury with Istivans, plus the added move speed from BK is money in speeds. If anyone wonders why I’ve got the defensive passive it’s for preventing lag death, I typically play at 300-1k ms.

If anyone is interested in the setup I’m using check ‘Snowflake’ on my profile.
h ttps://us.diablo3.com/en/profile/jay-1401/hero/96339752
Remove the space between the h and the t. Not saying its the best setup; but it’s a hell of a lot of fun hammering through 100’s.

Thanks again for all the hard work in getting Lamentation’s multiplier re added. Had a lot of fun on the weekend and the last few nights playing my favorite barb build. Actually clocked more time on WoTW than my AoV crusader so far this ERA.

Wall charge needs to die, hopefully you guys can get that addressed next.


Do i need to hit any attack speed breakpoints with whirlwind rend? Im at 1.95 right now. Sorry if it has been answered before but i could not find it.

Nope, you’re fine as you are.

Why are 90% of extreme season players using W5CC2 with bk/BoM ?

If i understand correctly, W5CC2 is supposed to give like 0.8% more DR.

Extreme season GR’s are at 120-125 when season GR’s are at 125-131.

I saw earlier : W5CC2, Mortick, BoM x1.63 93.3%
so it is 0.8% tankier than
W6, CoE, MoC, Mortick, BoM x1.875 92.5%

Is it why everyone use this setup (such a small upgrade) ? What about damage ?
Worth gaining that DR and losing so much damage ?

Thanks! Back to farm :wink:

If I plan to use Ambo+DB is it worth to roll %AS on both weapons to obtain 2+ aps? Sacrificing cdr/%damage

Just took a look at the revised WW-Guide.

Oh dear, got my nice red-bordered BK SV not that long ago, and now it seems, I can no longer make use of it, unless I stick with the classic Zodiac-WW, which is still equipped on my char linked below, for a while… :roll_eyes:


93.3% (6.7% goes through) is 12% better that 92.5% (7.5% goes through). In addition, very high cdr with crimson setup lets you have perma IP if you want. Paragon in season is still low. All these players will eventually drop BoM for CoE when their toughness can sustain it.

For now I’m running wastes 6 with MoC and seems ok. As I progress toughness might become an issue and I’ll change to cc/bom (only 1 gr weaker in damage but much tougher with ip)

No you dont ever sacrifice CDR/%!!!
I tested AP + Doombringer with No Attack Speed rolled. You don’t need it. With activated RotB you always in enough Attacks p Second.

One funny thing is. I accidently put one Para Point into Area Damage and it has no longer felt fluid.
After i reset it is was all good.

I do GR 95 in 2.40min to 4.00min (good rift good pylons/bad rift bad pylons)

paragon 750-850

And the Elite damage from cubes Furnace is very good for the RG.

With IP-Brovado und Ferocity on Battle Rage you are fast enough to call it “Speeds”

I would rather play with Ground Stomp and into the Fray + Hard Cast Rend but with that you are to slow :frowning:

I am curious how it will Run with CC but i have to find a good BoM/RoRG for that and need Para 1000+

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Why Bloodshed? I thought it doesn’t work because Rend cant Crit?

They all have Rend on Skill bar to make sure Ambo will cast that particular rune you chose and they dont cast rend at all. All they do is WW and occasional Ground Stomp to gather them up and proc BoM.

If you Rend 3~4 times, your Taeguk will fall off…
And if you dont have AD, what is the use of manually casting it? None.

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Your ambo applied rends still inherit the rune you’ve selected so Bloodbath or Mutilate can be quite useful

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