There’s a version of our adjuster linked through this page if you want to play around with it: The Rage + DMKT GR Clear Adjuster
Based on the data we’ve collected, LoD HotA is actually pretty competitive at the “elite” end of the player spectrum. There’s a small group of people who play the build really well, and push for the top. But beyond that top level, not a lot of interest from the player base as a whole. But, that “elite” competition, and not the “everybody and their brother” competition, is really what drives a set to the real heights.
Let me put it this way: let’s say two teams were going to compete for best clear with LoD HotA. On one team is you, Enryu, LebronJames, and BlackStxR. And on the other team is… everybody else. Literally every other D3 player. Who would I put my money on? Well, on the 4-person team.
Why? Well, because most of the players on that other team, whether it’s 10000, 50000, or 250000 people, are basically immaterial. There’s a 0% chance they can actually compete at that level, they’ll just get obliterated. So that big player count doesn’t really mean much.
Keep an eye out for the big build power update later this week. There are metrics in there that quantify some of these sorts of things we’re talking about.