[Guide 2.7.0] Roland Sweep Attack for gr135+

Kikaha, have you done any testing regarding Crimsons for Rolands? You’re the unofficial Rolands expert on the forums, would like to hear what you saw in the PTR.

I found it so incredibly stupid of an idea that I didn’t test it actually.
Now that I have made a decent d3planner with it, it does sound bad, but not as bad as I thought it’d be.
So assuming snapshotting cdr/rcr buff gets fixed (cause it’s a bug), you’ll drop aquila cuirass in the cube for leorics or magefists (probably magefists tbh). You can’t really go without zodiac imo so I would drop… compass actually. You then get a free amulet slot for our new overlord the flavor of time™️ (farming time not included).
Of course you have to lose witching hour / string of ears, but the DR/dmg from crimson should be enough to compensate.

Other possibility is of course to drop just zodiac, but you’ll have bad uptime on akkarat’s champion, which is a 35% multiplicative buff, unlike crimson that peaks at 60ish% (perfect gear btw) additive so ~40-50% actual damage. Which is great but you also still lose witching hour so 35% multi + 50% crit dmg, it’s starting to be really showing I think. The thing is, AC also gives a lot of resource (not needed with crimson I guess) and above all, big big toughness. I don’t see myself without AC buff 40% of the time.
In that case, d3planner is showing me a best case scenario of 45% dps without including the loss of toughness and damage from AC, which would probably make it closer to 20-25% ish. So you get 1-2 gr levels. In the end it’s really not that bad. Assuming the build is playable when AC is down ofc (I’d say yes).

I will have to craft crimson set for my zMonk so I’ll do that on my crusader and test it but I don’t know man… ×2 from traveler’s very big, and so is perma uptime on AC. Currently roland just works, if you see what I mean. If you start fiddling with these kind of options, I’m not 100% sure it’ll keep on “just working”, and it might become a gimmicky / annoying build to play.

cf https://ptr.d3planner.com/544067962 to see the different setups

No, I actually completely agree with what you’re saying. I said in a different thread Flense handles the resource management, so you don’t need Crimson for RCR. Zodiac handles the CDR sort of, so you don’t need the CDR. You need Endless Walk for the damage. So forcing RoRG and Crimsons just messes with the build too much for something the build doesn’t really need.

Just wanted to know if you found something different. Sounds like you didn’t.


This seems decent:


We dropped Condemn for Slash since we’re not gonna run Trapped in a push build. If you don’t run Trapped, you don’t run strong arms so I opted for more elites here.

eDiT: This is probably a better build than using crimson:


It doesn’t account for the RotZ so the uptime on AC is actually closer to 100% and the belt slot is free for whatever you need. String of Ears isn’t a bad choice either.

I do have a question (and it wouldn’t change my mind either way), but if slash hits more than 1 enemy because of Omnislash, does each enemy count towards RotZ?

Just curious. I would still use Omnislash for the instant 5 stacks.

What ? Why would you drop trapped in a push build ? I don’t get it ?

This is pretty much exactly what I have in the OP except I equip the furnace (I think the reason has been explained: you have max APS even with a mace equipped, and therefor do more DPS). And you replaced condemn - a key component to push build so that you can pull mobs into sweep range and even be in oculus for more burst, AND it procs strongarm for even more dps. Also, you removed trapped and esoteric, for gogok and powerful, where trapped is obviously better than powerful, and gogok is completely useless because as stated in the OP, you need only ~40% cdr to have perma AC.

As far as Omnislash goes, this is a completely useless item. Not only does slash does no damage whatsoever compared to sweep (you’d need 2000 slash to deal the damage of 1 sweep, yes you read that right), but the toughness is not very relevant (additive armor% with prophet makes this 20% armor buff hardly a 10% total toughness), and it doesn’t proc zodiac at all because it is not a spender.


Rotz requires spenders, good call. It was late lol. But trapped does 0% dmg to an RG. If you’re goal is to maximize dps on trash then by all means, run trapped and condemn.

Slash isnt for damage, its to make sure your fury is always full. The addictional defense is icing.

Fury is for Barbarians. :wink:

Right, resource. You gotta kinda decode what im saying sometimes. :laughing:

This is not true. RG can and will be slowed by BotT lvl25 bonus, and you will get 60% dmg from it.
And vacuum can proc strongarms even on a boss, if you space it right. Although it is difficult and might not be worth it (maybe at the end, after stricken stacking long enough).

Your resource should always be full if your gear is well rolled. You need RCR on shoulders and on shield. I went over that in the OP.

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My plan does have RCR on shoulders and shield. So before I blow you up, lemme revisit your plan. Found your plan in the TL;DR at the bottom of your post. TL;DRs go at the top. That’s the whole point of it. So you don’t need to read the post.

But both of our builds have SA costing 7.62 wrath. Flense restores 6 wrath per hit when fighting the RG. That means every time you attack (which is 5 times per second), you’re spending 1.62 wrath (or 8.1 per second). This means after 1 second, Aquila Cuirass is no longer active and you lose 50% DR.

I also see you using the Templar. I’m sure 3% dmg from Scoundrel is way better than gaining 1.1 wrath per second (still spending 7 over 5 attacks, that’s 35 in 5 seconds). You’re also using trapped and strong arms which is good for trash, but does nothing to the RG.

Bagboy you’re cumulating tons of bullsh*ts. Slash in a Roland build?! No strongarm ‘cause it doesn’t proc in RG? No gem of prisoners? Simply LOL.

As I wrote in previous forum, I feel comfortable switching from Esoteric Alteration to Zei’s gem, since Roland, while having permanent Aquila, Iron Skin and AC with Prophet, is strong enough in close combat (obviously you have to play also on secondaries, melee reduction, LpH, LpK,…)

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You are also getting 5 wrath per second from akkarat’s champion, and 1.1 from the templar, so your net wrath regen is ~-2 and not -8.
I am also advising to use a resource regen potion to use during single target boss fights to never run out of wrath.
I also say you can remove your diamond gem in the helmet and go for a RCR gem instead to get absolute perma wrath even in single target.
It’s amazing what you could learn if instead of completely not reading the post, you actually spent 10mins reading that thread.

I put a tl;dr at the end of the post, in bold, and fairly visible, and there’s also the same link after the short introduction. If you missed it it means you clearly didn’t even consider reading the guide, which is what this whole post is about.
Putting tl;dr at the end also allows people who want to check how long a post is before reading to finish scrolling through it, decide if it’s too long, and if it is they don’t have to go back to the top to find the tl;dr.

That being said, please enlighten me on how stronger your build is compared to mine. Keep in mind I cleared 115 with no caldesann at p1500 with mine.


Did not calculate the +5 from AC, good call.

With perma Akarat will Stone Gauntlets be better than Aquila?

It should be on par. Stone gauntlets buff is additive with AC buff, which lowers its power on crusader.

I just tried out this exact build. Have 22k STR atm, but at GR 120 I’m doing almost no damage. Even tried a different variant with FoT & ORToZ for perma AC but still very low damage. Sad… I think this set needs a buff or a new bracer item

Of course it needs a buff. However, 120 shouldn’t be too difficult to beat at 20k main stat, if everything else is good (stat wise). Probably will start struggling at 123ish.

Well, i’m trying roland, currently at 108 gr seasonal hardcore. It’s fun, but the set need a good damage buff. Thanks for the guide

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Crusader has 2 sets that are total garbage ATM: Roland and HammerDin

I’d like Blizz to touch these sets and make it at least A-Tier before we head towards D4.

Sigh… not gonna happen.


At this season, i got 2 primal pieces of Ronald, and a primal furance, i salvage all, because time is too precious.

Ronaldo set, still weak.