GR 91 with 750 para in 7 min with necro new set . Is it good?

I have good gear , and my gem is 81, 73 and 33 .
I never reached such high GR before so i canot say if it good or no . Is it good ?

If you never reach GR91, we could say it doing a great job for you no? Otherwise, the set is not that good and most necro will still go LoD builds for almost everything

I never reach it cuz i did not play so mach.

I think it is pretty good if you choose the right abilities, play correctly, and have decent rolls.

I created a NS necro with all the same gear, 100+ legendary gems, a few augments, and couldn’t do a 100. But my seasonal toon with half the paragon, no augments, and 30 to 60 legendary gems can do 107+.

What you roll on your gear has a big impact on how far you can push.

But for me, this feels like the strongest necro set. The highest I’d pushed before was 105 with both inarius and pestillence.
Both were extremely difficult.
Both had 70+ augments on most items.
Both had 90+ legendary gems.

I think the big difference is how tanky the build is, and the fact that the seasonal binus is broken right now.

I think I’m only pushing this high because elites are getting 1 shot by meteors etc… (I’m not intentionally trying to make that happen)
So it could be a completely different story after the season is over.