GoDly quiver dropped. Now what?

I was dual wielding Dawn and Valla’s Bequest. I had 9th Circle Satchel cubed. Then this primal 9CS dropped:

1000 dex
Att spd +20%
CHC 10%
Area 20%
CDR 8%

I just can’t leave this guy on the bench, so I’ve equipped it. But now what in the cube? Valla’s Bequest gives me “Strafe projectiles pierce”. What does that even mean? Without Valla’s, strafe projectiles simply bounce off? Is this the best choice for the cube? I was looking at Envious Blade, but I was wondering what you all thought.

Even with such a quiver, two hand crossbows (Dawn and Ballista or Dawn and Valla) are still a stronger choice to push high GRs am afraid…

Then I’ve got to be doing something wrong, because after equipping the quiver and cubing Valla’s, I was able to do 5 higher GR.

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Well, if your crossbows are not very good it might work better with the primal quiver of course…

Either that and/or his Amulet and/or some other piece is missing CHC which weakens that extra CHD you’d get with a second weapon.
Maybe it’s the extra cooldown that enables better uptime on things that he missed before.

I’d suggest, make your profile accessable (it’s hidden atm) or at least import the current and alternative profile to something like d3planner to let the helpers here compare both setups. Help the helpers to help you with your information, othervise we are stuck blindly guessing and not be able to provide accurate answers.

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Thanks, but I’d prefer not to. If the answer to my question depends on other factors in my build, ok - I’ll accept that. I made my profile hidden because pretty much every time I asked a question, people took that opportunity to rip my build apart, getting totally off the subject.

“Where can I get a good Neapolitan pizza?”
“You shouldn’t be buying pizza with your build like that. To start off, what were you thinking rerolling CHC on your helm? You should have…”

Lol, so you are so sensitive you can’t handle people giving you advices on your build?? Personally although I already reach GR 130+ solo and 150 in groups, I always welcome other players’ advices, and I would never hide my profile. You should be happy to be given suggestions to improve, even if you did not request them :wink:


Who said anything about being sensitive??? Please re-read what I posted. If I ask a question about something, I’d like an answer to THAT QUESTION. I don’t want the topic redirected to something completely different. If I want help with my build in general, I’ll ask about that and link to my profile.

Offhand, I’d suggest rolling to + HA, but I don’t play DH, and I’m not sure what you’d roll off.

That’s what it is, and without that additional information nobody will be able to grant an accurate anwser and you’ll have to figgure out yourself what the big improvement is. Guesses are included in my previous post, maybe you’ve also cubed dawn and got a much better cooldown than the equipped one, maybe you were missing AD on the now cubed weapon.
That’s all I can think of for now, I’m out.

I think it’s unlikely you’d ever roll off area damage. Ever. I think that might be the most important stat to have on the quiver.

Some people like to ask questions about gear, but really don’t want accurate answers. They may come into the forum and mention that they can’t clear x GR (a very low gr for the set and their para) and ask about a blade or a quiver. When you look at their gear and skill choices the answer to why they are having trouble if very obvious and if you mention it, they get all offended.

The only answer to this question that might be acceptable to the OP is “Cube a Valla’s, cube a dawn, and switch between what you equip and see what happens”


How is it that people like Rhykker and Raxxanterax can offer general advice. “You should wield this and cube that. OR, if you want to wield that, your best bet is to cube this.” They have no problem ignoring all of the individual details. Why is it so difficult to offer general advice on this forum? And if the answer you give me is so dependent on what I currently have equipped, does this mean that your answer becomes worthless once I replace a piece of gear?

Should be general enough for you.

They offer general advice, that’s what you also got here.
General: In most cases cubed chiri is better.
The problem is, your question is not “general”, you throw a specification in here were the “general” advice might no longer be the best case, depending on your other gear.
Those guys also scatter in some “if […] then” alternatives, I’ve already given you some hints were you can figgure out the answer yourself. Nobody can give you that advice you are looking for, because your "if"s are unknown to us. And nobody wants to write 5874579567794353±2 lines of text that is completely useless to you because the "if"s don’t apply to you.


It is. Thank you very much.

#12 on the Seasonal Leaderboard has that exact same quiver. The stats on the quiver has allowed him/her to make custom choices on the stats placed on other gear.

Their paragon level has also allowed for stats that many of us would not be able to make at this point in the season.

There are quite a few ppl on the LB using xbow/quiver that you can look at and see what works for them. I would try to find someone close to your paragon for most efficient ideas.

This is not true at all.

2H crossbows and bows like Odyssey’s End or Leonine are also viable due to their much higher average damage and the ability to stay at optimal 9FPA Strafe breakpoint.

Equipping a quiver like OP’s is easily better than DW. 130% CHD is good, but not good enough to trump 10% CHC and 15% HA bonus.

Not to mention by equipping a quiver, the 10% damage roll on the weapon provides full 10% damage boost unlike DW where you need 10% on both weapons for the same benefit.


I did not say it is not viable. A few of the top players do use this build, but as outlined by others above, they can do it because of their high paragon (which is probably not the case of the OP). 99% of the leaderboard use two hand crossbows, just because it is better for them to do so.

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No, 99% of them DW because either they don’t know better or they can’t get a good quiver.