Give power stats a real purpose, own keystones

Your heart is already set on ancestral because you’ve already claimed all you want to do is run around and “hit things epicly”

Let me ask you a simple question, a yes or no question even.

Do you still believe that magic resistances are locked behind specific powers. Be honest please.

I have the remainder of this paragraph saved in my clipboard based on your answer.

Sure, i have a quote and a screenshot from David Kim
And I am not all about ancestral and hitting things epicly
On hit chances are simply strong in such games and the DURATION of buffs and debuffs, that you can just recast, are not very relevant

Dishonesty will likely have me uninterested in any further contributions to this forum from you (that’s just how I roll man). I do have the will power and self control to abstain from reading and / or responding, so if you want me to anticipate your answer, I’m going to say that yes, you still believe that angelic power will be the only way to acquire cold resistance. But I will give you a chance to claim otherwise. If in fact that is the case.

But what is this even about? I mean
I don’t WANT it to be that way!
I reject it!
So I HOPE I am wrong, lol
Or they will just change their mind
I think, the main problem here is: you want to be right, I want a good game

Talking to a mirror will only get you so far.

You don’t seem to be willing to be constructive anymore

I have already repeatedly admitted that I’m willing to accept being wrong. You can check the timestamped post history for that if you’d like. Now if you read and retain information you would know that. Being constructive is willingness to see things from other than your perceived understanding. You absolutely refuse to see the possibility that you’re mistaken, which can’t provide constructive feedback.

Does the fact that there are more resistances to lock to powers than there are powers to lock them to mean anything to you? So my slightly late response to cyonan that you decided to chime in on wasn’t necessarily invited - and before you go and claim ownership for starting the thread, him and I began engaging in this topic outside of this thread, pettiness aside, I can start a new thread addressing him and you are welcome to not participate. No I can’t prevent you from doing so, however I can and will disregard what you have to say if I must.

I thought about poison indeed
And again about this resistance topic
I just said 2 minutes ago “I HOPE I am wrong about it” because it would suck
We actually have the same goal here and still we are arguing for what ever reason

The way you are interpreting the information presented would suck.

I am attempting to explain to you that you’re possibly interpreting the information presented incorrectly.

To prove that you are interpreting the information correctly, you quote the information presented.

Do you see the redundancy here and therefore recognize the futility in constructiveness? If not - I’m sorry to say that I can’t continue with you. If so - we can continue.

And i keep saying that i hope, i am wrong with my interpretation, which you seem to not being able to accept because it would not give you the satisfaction of proving me wrong, that you would like to feel?
We both can’t know it and I hope I am wrong
So we can both hope, its the way, you interpretate it :slight_smile:

I’d figure that Demonic Power would at the very least increase damage proportional to the duration increase, otherwise it’s literally a stat that makes your abilities worse as your DoTs would deal reduced DPS.

I think it may need to increase their actual DPS as well though, rather than just keep it neutral.

There’s also going to be some technicalities we need to know about. For example on the Sorceress Firewall creates a patch of fire that lasts for 8 seconds. Is that considered a DoT that will be increased by Demonic Power?

If so, that boosts the strength of it because that bypasses the “If it died, the duration was pointless” thing as in this case you’ll never not get the full duration.

I don’t think that Ancestral Power will necessarily be overpowered right now, but I do think they need to be careful because it does have the most widely useful effect at the moment and that can very quickly lead it to a place where it is OP.

Especially given that looking at the Sorceress skills and talents at least, they seem to be getting away from Diablo 3’s strong self-buff damage cooldowns(which would have been Angelic Power’s greatest strength).

I think that this is where the concept of the system can really shine bright. With the hard cap or “break point” prerequisites in addition to however the non-item related influence of accumulated power works. For example, any amount of demonic power would increase the duration of firewall, taking into considering that the damage at the very least goes with it, while still giving certain amounts of demonic power further usefulness by way of item affix unlocking associations. I feel like this system enables them to shift synergies around so that things don’t gain to much momentum and dwarf other potential synergies. This opens up a whole new avenue of viable options on ways to enhance your style of play, veering away from the “d3 trifecta” of critical strike chance, critical strike damage and attack speed.

Taking for example the shrine effect that increases critical strike to 100! % for whatever duration. Likely to have this duration increased by angelic, while even though it can be thought of as a defensive power, you can assign offensive capabilities to it through causing them to be angelic associated (a buff) as opposed to what critical strike would traditionally be thought as (on hit proc)

The concept of the system has so much potential. Perhaps to much potential for a balance team to hammer out even. But I’m not going to count that against the concept of the system itself. I will hold the usual scapegoats accountable which will be the balance team (sorry balance team). With an equation such as this containing so many variables it is easy to overlook things and often miss them completely. I’m positively certain that I’m still missing something that “makes the system to good to be true” and therefore, a false system.

Do help enlighten me!

red numbers make ppl sad and powers will only serve as unlock stats
ur welcome

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With the affixes there’s still going to be a focus on breakpoints because they offer very significant power spikes at those amounts of the stat.

I’d also say they shouldn’t have both crit chance and damage in Diablo 4 and only have crit chance. Having two stats that both increase the value of each other is a recipe for the new trifecta being crit chance, crit damage, and ADA power.

Though in the case of the ADA Power system I don’t think the concept itself is flawed, just the requirements on affixes(my concerns about Demonic Power are a balance thing)

Like I said before: I’ve seen what happens when you present players with very specific breakpoints like that.

People can say it’ll all be about personal choice, but the reality is a lot of players in WoW played around those very specific values out of a feeling that they had to rather than they wanted to.

Which if people want affixes to just be a thing that revolves around maintaining very specific ADA power values to keep them active, then fair enough.

but the requirement specifically is not an aspect of the system that encourages the variety or choice some people claim it will.

I’ve seen how this plays out.

I will take BFA for example since I skipped several expansions and the itemization process alternated throughout. It is true, that during the integration of azerite gear, certain specializations were superior than others at different things. The warlock demonology was vastly superior at mythic keystones, and laughable in pvp arenas compared to destruction. Affliction was sort of a middle in-between at both. It wasn’t that destruction couldn’t perform well in the dungeons, they actually did do outstanding in some dungeons with some weekly modifiers, it really depended on the modifiers of the dungeon and the seasonal theme. Demonlogy was superior at aoe, destruction at burst, and affliction at sustained.

There are so many fundamental differences to consider here with this comparison though. Mandatory grouping to do dungeons as opposed to solo OR grouping. Maybe keyed dungeons will require grouping up to do in d4 - I’m not sure. I see the requirements as means to an end when it comes to itemization playing the predominant role in build crafting. Build crafting will start at character class, extending through the skills of that class selected, and then wardrobe. Without restriction in the itemization process, a person can forego their classes skill selections entirely once they have a completed ‘build’ just with the equipment that compliments itself. Blizzard is proposing a way to address build crafting revolving around itemization as the priority, thereby giving each class its own unique feel and playstyle that should be the focal point in a class based system. You can feel sad about items not being what you want them to be and that is okay. If you feel sad about the choices you made with your skill distribution points that’s on you. It would be a tragedy if a person only felt sad about the skills they select because they thought as is usually the case that items make the character, when it really should be the character that makes the items. I wear the clothes the clothes don’t wear me. I can still be comfortable in anything that I wear. If I’m sad because the clothes that I’m wearing aren’t brand name, I’ve got bigger things to worry about than a wardrobe malfunctioning. Primarily, identifying the character defect that makes me uncomfortable in my own skin (which in this analogy the clothes themselves would be at fault)

It is more important to glorify the character than the items the character wears, and it is my opinion that a requirements system imposed upon the items does just that. I won’t be able to just suddenly adapt my character to the drops, I have to adapt my drops to the character.

To be clear when I say breakpoints I’m not talking about one build being better at certain things than other. I’m not even entirely talking about hard caps, but those do come into play if the game has them.

I expect builds to be better or worse at certain things. That’s just how RPGs work, and it’s all probably be a very boring game if it didn’t work like that.

What concerns me is how potentially powerful the ADA powers will be at specific values, which only serves to encourage that people maintain those specific values rather than experiment with new gear, even gear that otherwise would be great for their build.

Do you notice how a lot of people around here say that Diablo 2 attributes were very boring and offered very little variety and choice because we all just built enough STR/DEX to get our gear requirements and then stacked Vitality?

Affixes with ADA Powers are basically that, except the only source of the attribute is gear. The attributes even had other effects beyond just unlocking gear, but nobody ultimately cared about that next how just how powerful unlocking the gear was.

This makes ADA into another Strength/Dexterity, where the focus is on what they can unlock rather than what they are as stats.


At first I thought having powers share milestones (like resistances in that particular example) was a bad idea, but on the second thought some of them should be shareable (provides longevity AND diversity on the long run)

The way how you define powers behave different is you make CORE/BASIC stats give different things to players, i.e:

Yes, those are the same things I suggested from the other thread. Think the “on trigger” things could/should remain shareable (somewhat) but it’s the core stats (and skill tree bonuses) that should differ, for example:

Going demonic ? - +2 to Meteor requires something like 80DP, whilest when Angelic that same requirement would be 100 and Stormshield (or whatever) would require 80AP but 100DP, that way (at certain threshold) you could (kinda) unlock most of the things whilest having CORE base stats vastly differ but you’d kinda unlock the powers you’re currently from “non primary” power-trees slightly (or in some cases, significantly) later

At the end of days you don’t really need the power trees to differ at all skills, could make it so that they just have a different ultimate (ON TOP of different core/basic strengths)

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They do come into play if the game has them, as the system suggests they could. Considering the play experience from level 1 until level 40. Theoretically once you have unlocked and maxed all the skills available to the class you selected (which in itself could be a very LONG term goal and part of end game progression since rarity of skill tome drop rate will likely be significant) you will still be able to experiment, because at that point, you’ll have acquired enough items in stash to cover the prerequisites imposed.

Wouldn’t meshing together a hard cap & soft cap simultaneously be different though? Especially if emphasis was shifted on the power acquired through the power itself and therefore the associated effect with having said power and how it pertains to the skills the class has selected outweighs the restricted powers that having said power enables?

I do notice people praising the D2 attribute system as superior. I do sort of scratch my head with that one. It was boring, and the illusion that the player made a pivotal decision with the distribution of the stats is ridiculous for the reasons aptly given. This system does that for you, and refocuses character control based customization on the skills you select and focus on during your progression. As far as the ‘additional’ benefits granted from attributes - it wasn’t done nearly as well as it could have been. There should have been a significantly greater reward granted from that ‘other’ effect than there was. It was disregarded ultimately because it did indeed not provide even a fraction of the benefit of the unlocking aspect that it provided.

It does, but it revamps it considerably. I would much prefer a competent stat system, but I’m not going to fight a losing battle here. It is likely that blizzard won’t be going that route, so I must embrace what can be given the direction that they are taking. The thing is, the focus on what the powers can unlock shouldn’t be the focus at all, and won’t be, until you’ve already maxed out every single skill that the items can influence. That may take a bit longer than anyone can guess. You will have to use the gear that enhance the skills you’ve selected to sustain optimal totality of power throughout the progression phase. Otherwise you’re going to suffer somewhat and rightfully so. If you deviate your skill selection based on your item drops you’re gambling. If you stick to your guns and guarantee increase in character strength through primarily maxing out whichever skill, you at least have that increase in power, while still being able to specialize in doing so with the right drops.

It shifts the paradigm of the character decision to revolve around spending skill points as opposed to insisting to play the game by basis of how the cards are dealt, with hopes that you’ll get the right cards.

This is all getting off-track, as breakpoints don’t have a whole lot to do with hard and soft caps.

Also the character decision making will be about spending skill points by virtue of the skill point system returning. That has nothing to do with affix requirements and ADA Powers. They could not have ADA powers at all and it would still be the case.

What we do have is examples in the past of them designing systems with breakpoints and the result was always that players played around those very specific values.

The ADA system Blizzard has put forth does nothing to fundamentally change the fact that at X Angelic Power you’re going to get a massive spike in power because of all of the affixes that suddenly unlock on your gear. The spike may not be as high as Diablo 2 where it was all or nothing for the whole item itself, but conceptually the same idea is still happening.

There is no reason to think that the focus will not be on those unlocks regardless of how many skills we have maxed out, given history.

I would agree with you if this was 20 years ago and the same blizzard team.

It is not, and with different folks come different talent. To understand what the original team had in place and improve upon it is not completely out of reach.

The comparison of how much benefit you got from hitting things because you decided to pump strength past what the requirements for gear prerequisite only is nowhere near the versatility of the ADA system. For one, all class have skills that can benefit from any of the stats. For another, the base power will likely be a significant increase in power by comparison to what attributes gave outside of prerequisite enablement.

If at X angelic power you get a massive spike in power is using an archaic d2 implementation I understand your concern of history repeating itself. I’m willing to place my wager on that they’ve learned their lesson. I said it before I’ll say it again, I may be giving them to much credit. Time will tell. So if the item property that having X angelic power is not greater than the benefit that the base power grants, which is what you’ll be primarily picking and choosing from based on your skill selections than the spike in power won’t be as significant as it was using D2 as the model of comparison. I.E. Instead of tickling a mob a little bit more because I pumped into strength, it will be the difference of whether or not I can use a skill without a cooldown or not.