Ah this is fantastic information, I wasn’t aware of all the cubes uses. When you say I’ll “need some level 70 yellow mighty weapons” which ones? I assume any 1-H mighty weapon (excluding legendary)? Oh I’ve been salvaging duplicated BKs so now it sounds like I can also cube them in hopes of a legendary roll? This is great thanks. May I ask what you suggest I spend bloodshards on after Grift runs then?
Yeah. The recipe upgrades a regular yellow item into a random legendary of the same item type, with a chance for ancient. So to get the BK swords, you’d want to upgrade on yellow 1-handed mighty weapons.
Yeah. You really only need one or two extra of each. You can continually reforge on the same sword. You just don’t want to reforge on the ones you are actually wearing in case they come out worse
I typically spend blood shards for ancients in the armor slots. It’s more cost-effective to do it this way.
Cannot thank you enough for all of your help. One more question. When do I use my legendary gems? Right now I’m upgrading Taeguk (I have none socketed atm). I was under the impression that once placed in an item, the legendary gem can no longer be upgraded. Is this true?
Also… can I use them now or can legendary gems (taeguk, bane of trapped etc) only be placed into certain types of items like ancients?
No, legendary gems can always be upgraded. Put them in by all means! They can go in any jewelry socket (amulets or rings), but not armor or weapons. They can also be changed out at the jeweler any time you wish.
I absolutely did not know this. Ah! Going to socket ASAP! If you’re able to see my Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, I’d like to roll for a socket and I’m thinking of taking off the “Reduces all resource costs by 7%.” Would you agree with this choice? I feel like my Fury is always pretty stable.
WW/Rend barbs usually stay topped out on Fury, so go for it.
No. Rend doesn’t benefit from Attack Speed, so re-roll the Attack Speed into a socket.