[gear progression] D3 should learn from D2R

D3 has a lot to learn from D2R. A big critique for D3 RoS is, that players can assemble the BiS items for their respective build too quickly, sometimes within a single play session. That makes D3 feel dull compared to D2, where the gear progression is satisfying. It also often leads to people playing for merely a week or two during a season, and then leaving.

I think the next D3 patch should incorporate the new, amazing mechanic introduced with D2R, that will solve a lot of the problems when it comes to D3’s too quick gear progression.
While D2R mostly stays true to the original, they introduced a whole new layer of RNG. In D2R it’s no longer just about whether your desired BiS item will drop. Now, with the random character rollbacks, it’s also about whether you’ll get to keep the item at the end of the play session.

I think D3 can use something similar. I mean, those pesky Primal Ancient items with perfect rolls are dropping too often anyways, so something must be done about that… but those are just my thoughts. Let me know how you feel in the comments


Would have no effect just as it does currently given that I primarily play solo. It would, however, encourage the lady and I to play same class for once, just to make sure we’d get “something.”

Of course, that would mean D3 would have to have in-game couch co-op trading for season, which it does not.

Or, even better, introduce the launch event of rolling back hours of gameplay. Got to paragon 2000? Next time you log in, you’re back to 500. Or the character is gone.

I won’t lie, I almost missed the sarcasm. :rofl:


I think that was their intention anyway because it’s an unmonetized game and all developers care was keeping an average playerbase to contribute for Monthly Active User rate so they can get their paychecks. Welcome to tripple-A game development where no risk gotta be involved after a rugged peak for development hell. I hope you enjoy your stay.

They can introduce real ethereal quality items that offer higher stat ranges but can not be repaired to close the gap between item classes. With the abundance of drops for rare and magical items would pose as a stepstone. All high level characters have to do however switching their Homing Pads on the Follower to Spaulders of Zakara.
See? They’re better at game design than squashing bugs.

Well I looked a bit into the D2R launch night twitch and Wudi, Raxx and their gang were already hopping from boss to boss and one-shotting everything. Even with server downtimes in between. So all the yadda-yadda about how hard it is to gear up in D2 is just lies.

If you were even playing D3 you would know that getting base gear for a certain build is not hard (most of the time), but ancients with the right rolls, weapons, offhands and jewelry is a very different story. At least for the majority of the player base who don’t play as a full time job.


Maby BIS items but certainly not with BIS affixes which you can play a whole season without getting.

I think we should have random rollbacks every week or so. At least 3-4 GRs at a time.

D2 used to be difficult. It’s not now.


Yeah, it truly adds excitement and fear to the experience! Some might call it immersion…

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Some replies are too serious, lol.

this is your first time playing Diablo 2, thats clear, as for progression, they are really diferent games sou you are comparing apples whit cars

Hard to beat the game, not really. Getting full BiS, yes, very. Items with 0.005% and less droprate is not really uncommon in D2.

Why waste 3 months of your life farming those items when you can buy them at a cheap price (although the price might get hike due to D2R :rofl:)

To each his own, I would never spend actual money on virtual gear. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of playing the game.

Of course, I wouldn’t play this particular game at all, because like you said, the time required is just far to steep.

This is your first time being on a forum. You’ve ruined the fun of the post, because you lack reading comprehension. But since I really have to explain it to you, here I go:

I’ve played D2 on release, and hellavalot throughout the years… in multiple ways… be it single player, LAN, open and closed battle net, as well as various mods.
D2 is one of my absolute favorites.

They are. I would personally argue, that D2 is overall better…
But none of the above matters. It all comes to this:

I refunded D2R for various reasons, and one of them was, that during the closed beta, me and a friend of mine experienced character roll backs.

Such rollbacks are unacceptable given how players typically farm the game… you know, the game you believe I’ve never played.
In 5 minutes I can kill Andy, Pindle, Meph and maybe clear the Ancient Tunnels. If I were to get lucky and get one or two BiS items in one run, but then upon exiting the game if my character were to be rolled back and I were to lose one or two BiS items, that would be crushing… the same way it would be, if I were to clear a rift in D3, find a BiS Primal roll and then somehow lose it.

I learned, that this crap happens to the live version of D2R.

While D3 definitely could have learned more things from D2, I wasn’t actually suggesting D3 should implement random character rollbacks. Character rollbacks are terrible in D2R and would be terrible in D3.

I was mocking the release of D2R. It was a joke…

Apparently some did :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d say biggest turn-off for me is the combat simplicity of things, “hit-stun” is surely annoying but something of that kind should’ve been needed (and probably implemented) in D3

The itemisation is a next-step discussion IMO, but as far as we’re all concerned that topic is a “tale as old as time”, discussed like 50 times on the forums already

Instead what’s going on is we’re discussing (and hoping) regarding topics like itemisation is what D4 should be

And in my view not really, don’t think that an old RPG-dependent concept of itemisation should be re/implemented in D4… Would rather have “redefined”/“redrawn” the whole thing, to resemble a more dynamic/impactful combat and well-targetted impact on affixes

In other words not quite something you’d find in “traditional”/established RPG’s I think

Correct. It’s not actually that quick to get true BiS items

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I’ll do one better: how about a total character wipe once in 6 months, automatic deletion of all your characters, so that all the players of D2R will relive the game as brand-new every 6 months?

Imagine the tagline: Pay once, get a brand-new game twice a year!

Oh poor you having a beta character you aren’t going to keep in the first place
Do you also cry uncontrollably because you don’t get to keep the items in the D3 PTRs after all those inflated droprates to collect everything

The point wasn’t that progress on a beta hero was lost, it’s that the game was so unstable that roll-backs causing the losses were a thing. A thing, mind you, that persisted into live and are still going on.

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