Gear of the Dreadlands

Can anyone direct me to the lore surrounding this set?

The appearance and flavor text on these items just smacks of Goblin technology from World of Warcraft and this in turn makes it seem out of line with virtually every other Demon Hunter set available, or most any item available in-game, for that matter.

Am I crazy in thinking this? Surely there is something in lore I’ve missed that accounts for these items and this type of “technology,” right?

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DHs use plenty of gadget, automated turret, bouncing grenade, caltrops, vanishing powder (or something of this order), traps, shadow beasts from RoV, and on and on, (…)
Considering the lore the class is really a mix of an Askari (Rogue/Amazon) and a Viz-Jaq’taar (Assassin from D2), this could be explained by the DH camps located in Dreadlands, because the Rogue Citadel is nearby and by the fact that Natalya (the Assassin from D2) joined the DHs.
So, DHs could have been trained in ranged combat by the Sightless Eye Sisterhood and trained to use gadgets of all kind by Natalya.
As DHs are most likely use to salvage what they can kind in the Dreadlands it’s very possible that few of them became ‘‘middle-age engineer’’.

GoD doesn’t make less sense than M6 or UE, basically is fantasy.

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