Game freezes for 10 sec, then returns

Dear Support,
I have a new gaming rig which should work flawlessly with D3, but I’ve been experiencing freezing in the game, usually for about 10 seconds, and then the game returns. By then I’ve either died or my teammates are much further ahead in the game. I have a 16 gig RAM, I7 intel processor, an 8 GB Radeon 5050 gpu, ROG style ASUS motherboard, ROG style HP monitor with FreeSync. All drivers and Windows 10 updates are up to date. The issue occurs with all of the video settings set to minimum and no other programs running. On on my previous gaming pc, an Acer laptop with only 8 gb of RAM, an I3 processor and no gpu, I never had any issues running D3. I will supply any diagnostics that you request. Thank you,

Three threads below the one you just created you’d find the 400+ post thread…

The issue’s been outstanding for over six months, and Blizzard’s last response was in September.

Suggest to remove your email. I have tried a number of things. Check out other Tech Support and General Discussion threads. Use D3 search box.