Fun New Season 18 Build: Blood & Essence

I can’t post links but there’s a new build up on my channel for you fellow necros. We’re finally able to achieve 100% uptime on LOTD with the new Reaver. Also utilizing some of the new items in patch 2.6.6! Necro starts with Pestilence next season and this build is going to be tasty for season start.


Thanks for the build! Always nice to see a new one from you.


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Checking out your vid now. Was messing around in PTR yesterday and never thought I would ever be able to num lock LotD.

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:+1: Great detailed video (as usual), hope they are not nerfing it too much before the patch goes live :skull::skull_and_crossbones::ghost:

Here is the video:


Hey comm and fluff :slight_smile:

ive seen the reaver legendary effect yesterday and translated it to read like “your land of the Dead forgot what “cooldown” means”.

But in an instant after i realised, that theres just too much loss of raw damage for it to be worth it if you ask me. You really need a good geared character to just make it work in T16. It may be the fastest build then but looking on how much gear and damage you have for that 99ers its not really the best high GR speeder. A basic geared wizard with the trololo vyrchantodo is faster already :frowning:

Im still thinking about doing exactly that. A T16 speednecro instead of the old boring ue ms dh. Finally something for necro

What do you think about wearing the 2 handed scythe that deals 100% additional damage for every posion attack dealt? Previously was ingeom+offhand and something for the damage in cube. Now it could be reaver in cube for the cdr and something for damage in the actual hands?

That build looks extremely cool and will boost me up in the Start of the season really quick. I really hope they don’t “fix” this build.
Thanks for this awesome video Fluffy

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With the way captain set works with UE, you should be able to speed farm -t least 5 GR higher, and do 4 men T16 bounties & rift with less optimal gears and paragon.

Chantodo should remain best solo & group build for speed and push up 120+ maybe.

I play LON mages ( a few variations) mainly this season, and this blood & essence seems like fun. I will certain try next season.

Interesting build although Mages should still be better for speeds. Pets not procing Reaver was a bug, should be fixed on live.