From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Actually they might be thinking of buffing wastes 6 from 10k to 20k, as 20k seems the recent “standard”. THEN WW is back in the picture again.

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I’ve never seen our math barbs make a mistake when calculating the GR roof of some build. If they say that Lamentation nerf will get barb 135s I believe them.

Keep this thread at the top.

If Blizz ignores the outcry of their customers, they do not deserve our money for their future products!


Hmmm still no blue answer to this thread…Blizzard said they want to communicate better…

At least give a reason why did they do the nerf. Or say “guys we did this to test things out, we may change it again in the next season if it’s to lower”.

But throw us a bone really…

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I’m not having that.


Yes, totally agree but ignorance is even worse for me…

Mark my words. It will be like that " Dear barbs we heard your war cries. But we hadnt enough time to test this out. Maybe next season, we promise!!" :crossed_fingers:

If they want to lose (more) credibility, sure. I believe they have learnt from their mistakes.


Don’t nerf Barbs plz


Unbelievable. Whiners win again.


Not yet :)…

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They haven’t won yet. The game is not over.

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My Wishlist: :roll_eyes:

That’s what I think about Lamentation nerf:


They say it a lot but they don’t do it a lot.
I no longer listen to what they say.
I watch what they do.


All I see from Blizz is:


I just want to encourage everybody to be patient. Besides Blizcon their could be other reasons in the delay including that they may have changed things and are having to get additional sign-off before they can release the patch notes. Lets keep it positive and encouraging. Going negative will do nothing to help things.

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I would not be surprised if we do not hear anything for another week.

The biggest reason, Blizzcon.

Right behind it, they obviously have a riled up community, and not just Barbs. They are going to go over any announcement or just comment very carefully and probably have everything from multiple CMs to a lawyer comment on it before releasing it.

Blizzard, please listen to your players… Let barb be free! Let barb shine trough the speeds! Let barb be something else than a big boy who throws chains everywhere.

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I’ve been waiting a blue response for two days, checking every few hours.

It’s curious how there’s been zero official comments about the Blizzcon console patch/leak/whatever. Maybe it was some weird weird test iteration. Maybe they’re thinking things over after hearing the community feedback. Maybe they’re too busy for the forums, and the final patch notes will roll out before the season ends, with no appeal possible.

We really need an official response at this point, just to clarify things.

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Its better to adress the concerns now. Cuz after the patch notes its to late.

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