Frenzy Barb! Patch Notes!

So new set is another boring set you dimwits can come up with? Really? Another one handed build. Barbarian has 2h weapons and now EVERY SINGLE BUILD uses 1h weapons…You couldn’t make a two 2h weapons wielding build? Perhaps a SWORD BUILD…i’m frankly sick of this blizzard bull…invest actual money and time. This won’t keep me playing this for next 3 years before diablo 4 is released. And quite frankly i’m 100% sure that is gonna be a money grab too. Stop going for money and make something of quality.!! You are disgusting!


I love this idea, but if it didn’t override CC immunity or work on RGs, it still wouldn’t be of much benefit.

If, on the other hand, it did override CC immunity and the bonus was still enabled vs RGs, this would be awesome.

I would also be happy if a set bonus enabled all runes on BR or WC.


CC immunity is definitely a concern (I’m looking at you, juggernauts). If the devs wanted to take a page from another class again, they could make the bonus work like the Monk’s Cesar’s Memento bracers–activating a damage buff (maybe for 8 seconds) after hitting with a CC (here, fear).

Crusaders have asked for Bracers of Fury to function similarly to Cesar’s as well (currently, Bracer of Fury’s damage bonus is active only while the mob is immobilized/blinded/stunned).


I’m a little confused about Bastion Revered new additional power btw.

Oathkeeper could use a number update.

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Please ditch the idea of a melee character chasing feared enemies.


Well… you need over 75% CDR plus Boon to have perma-Wrath, which is very difficult, even with Captain C, and certainly requires stuff you can’t fit in this build, like Leoric’s Crown + Gogok. Just with regular rolls, you can get over 50% CDR, though (a la old-school R6 HOTA)

It just seems unlikely to me that it’s worth trading about 12% WOTB uptime for half your damage.

I agree that Mortick’s are likely to be the go-to bracer!

And why they don’t include Overpower in the set? It’s just work well together with Frenzy.


Sorry for the late reply. Your math looks right (though I think you meant 100/50 = 2, right?). And yeah, it’s *49 (since enemies don’t deal AD to themselves).

Keep in mind that this is just looking at the damage dealt by that “additional” hit, by the way. That first guy you hit, who will take either 100 or 200 damage, depending on how BR actually works, will also deal an average of 20 or 40 damage via AD to enemies within 10 yards.

Short and sweet WD aside from being grateful for the spirit barrage upgrade. I am pretty sure you or the devs (or all) have seen plenty of “Can we please have the Zombie dogs do something other than damage reduction or shielding?” They do kinda feel like they are overdue for some love at least in damage increase on one related legendary or another?
Thanks for listening and/or passing it along the chain. :slight_smile:

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Maybe use Stomp to group up the mobs right after they are feared with TS.

Anyways not a big fan of fear, ever since the vanilla WOTB Run like the wind era with EF in offhand. Will see how this new set plays out.

I love the new set. However I to am concerned about the fear issue. With the speed at which attacks will be put out the cc cap will hit really fast making the 2 piece worthless for long periods of time and completely worthless on juggernaut and rg. If that goes live it will just be ignored like rend was on the old waste design.

Building a mechanic into a set that actively defeats itself is at best a mistake and at worst willful ignorance.

There might be a way to get it to work. You could add in Ground Stomp. Every time an enemy is feared, its cooldown is reset. The running problem is mitigated, but it still does not help the boss issue.

There is another problem I have realized that makes the LoD/LoN potentially better. Magefist and Frostburn. They both give you a flat damage increase with no strings attacked with Undisputed Champion. Frostburn is even better since you can also freeze enemies. Add in Depth Diggers and there is a not so fun choice to make.

From experience, I know Illusionary Boots are also really good for a Frenzy build. If an enemy fears or naturally runs, like wasps, you have to retarget fast as you will run into enemies without attacking them. If you have the boots, you can run through them with no issue.

All that aside, if the set does perform lower than expected just because of multiplers, look into adding primary or frenzy damage to Vambraces of Sescheron. It would add another modifier you can use for turning and also make a weak wrist item more wanted.


Guys, please. We only have 2 weeks of PTR and 1 week prior to that. Stop wasting this precious time to try to find a way around this Fear mechanic.

Just ditch it all the way down the drain and focus on how to add more depth to the new set, could add Overpower or another primary skills.

Remember the last PTR? We could have Skorn ressurected together with Rend if it’s not for the Lamentation nerf debacle.

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Hi Rage,

I just found your math post.

Before I check your math, there is one thing we have not yet confirmed.

Q: Does Bastion proc AD?

My guess: It is highly possible NO. Cuz usually, dev will set proc coefficient of item_passive to be 0.

The model for “Proc AD” and “Not Proc AD” are completely different.

From Nev’s words, they intended to make the build more like Frenzy Thorns. And we still have chance to kill mobs. Not just elites. By my understanding, suppose we have n (a very large number) mobs inside 15 yards. The time for killing the elite will have almost no difference with just 1 single yellow, right? Hence, it is more like you spread the single target dmg output to n mobs. This agree with your math.
----------------Now we consider only AD, no bloodshed-----------------
If bastion can proc AD (positive proc coeff), this effect simply double the output.

If bastion DO NOT proc AD (0 proc coeff), this effect, well, not even double the total dmg output.

Bloodshed is another story…Well, I assume bastion can not proc bloodshed. Hence, in general, whichever case, when you consider bloodshed, Bastion effect not even double your dmg.

What a pity story. When you gather a lot of mobs, you just deal almost nothing to them…I don’t know whether they have tested it or not. But If that happens, (by my understanding) it definitely against their goal. Cuz they want this more like vambrace brace, right?

I see some talk about healing, but with Simplicity’s Strength, and a crazy amount of attack speed… that should be a pretty ridiculous amount of healing.

And as for Thorns clearing like a 95 with like 5k? I’ve cleared a 102 with about 1,400 paragon on mine, and I didn’t push THAT hard. I think this build will already do more than people are giving it credit for. The damage from stricken is going to ramp super fast.

Good point. I always forget about that gem.

But I’m curious as to whether its the best for the build. Guessing we’re talking about Trapped, Stricken, and Simplicity’s.

Fearing the trash is so effing opposite of density!

I always thought the rule is procs cannot proc procs🤪.

Oh dear! If Barbs got another set that was 140 capable, well I hope Blizz has these forums insured against water damage.

The flood of tears from stupid troll alone will be of biblical proportions.

His post count will rival DP’s Paragon count before the PTR ends.


I’m excited for both this and WD set will be good to see some new stuff thank you devs