Forum software changes

I think it was to recognize that Diablo was a Blizzard trademark/property by adding the blizzard part to the address. Diablo by itself has other meanings and other internet people were probably hoping for more precision from Blizzard to free up some search parameters…

Australia has always been aligned with the US. I’d been going to for months without issue. And it went to EN-US. The same URL is now suddenly (for the past 5 or 6 days) going to EN-GB. And if I click on the forum link, it takes me to the EU forums. I’ve worked for long enough in IT to know what I am talking about.

edit: it’s easy enough for me to simply change EN-GB to EN-US and work around the problem, but I shouldn’t have to. Blizzard changed something at their end and didn’t test it properly.

Thanks, I went and updated all the links and added the new patches.