Forget Masquerades, Fix Rathma

Masquerades is broken. Necro no longer has a viable push build. You’ve left Necro’s behind everyone else, moving into next season. But I’d rather see Rathma fixed. I have said it over and over again. The necro should be a pet build. The fact that since the inception of the necromancer, there has never been a viable push necro build is ridiculous. You made the masquerade set, to give us necro’s some love. Honestly, I hate that set. It’s my least favorite necro build. It feels like a DH build. Give us a viable pet build. Seriously guys! D3 has been out for almost a decade now and we still have never had a viable necromancer pet build.


Agreed. Only pet build is the LON Mages, and thats literaly just the mages. What is a necro whitout their trusty minions (not the mages thats just a spell imo)? Perma revives, sekeles and golem could’ve been secondary dmg dealers buffed by casting army of the dead, and the perma minions atk buffing aotd. The whole set could synergies itself. The minions hacking up monsters, and when running into a tougher enemy help them by nukeing it whit aotd. Simple and elegant.

I am not a huge fan of necro class but i support you with the same argument i gave when we gained firebirds rework:

What is the point on make a huge effort to rework a set just to leave it in a mediocre tier? Even not being a main necro i would like to use it with a fun build, but even after the rework rathma stays a clunky set ( even clunkier than before ).

Every class should have AT LEAST an S tier build so we could use whatever we desire. Again my same old feedback, i am against nerfs, the sets should be evenly powerful, specially after almost 10 years of diablo 3, these ethereals are a real nice seasonal theme because a lot of forgoten builds now can push highter, something that rathma set should be already doing after the rework, there is absolutely no point on leave it into oblivion after a rework.

we need new developers, play and know the game

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Really doesn’t make sense. They revamp a set, make it as good (sometimes a bit better) then the best set. Then they be like, “It’s overperforming!” Then knock it down 20-30 tiers and say, “That’s where it needs to be. BALANCE!”

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thats exactly my feeling

They have to nerf some sets, even ones that you would never use. This game is for all players. It will take time but when they have that set where they want it. Then they can turn their gaze to the other sets. Sure it is a slow process. But that is the way that the devs work. Who knows we probably only have a very small dev team working on this game.

One person per patch probably :laughing: