Followers tokens need a revamp

I’ve posted this before, but since this patch is about followers I think I will bring it up again. It is time to reduce the tokens to two, unless someone has a new idea on what should be on the token. I think both tokens should have the “cannot die” affix plus either the cooldown reduction or have all skills. That way we actually have a choice. Now, with these changes maybe they can survive without the cannot die token, but I doubt it. The follower has very little ability to reduce damage. So what do you all think?


Agreed. I’ve always just used the cannot die one anyway. Maybe add a couple more modifiers to spice up the choice.




I agree completely!!

Yeah, this is a long standing issue. No idea how they overlooked it for a follower revamp.

That would be a special use case. Such an item is useless for rifts obviously and thus unrelated to Derfman’s suggestion.

What precludes them implementing both suggestions, i.e. they make all follower specials grant the follower the “cannot die” attribute and give all the specials the emanate to give extra bounty caches?

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They want to give a slight buff to solo and not totally kill multiplayer like split bounties as your idea would do. So I doubt they consider it.
I think split bounties are fine.

My suggestion literally gives a solo player exactly the same rewards for time / effort spent, and number of bounties cleared, as a 4-man split bounty group would.

Exactly the same, i.e. not a quarter as it is currently. You could still run your 4-man split bounties, you just wouldn’t get four times as many materials as a solo player does.


Except for the time/effort it takes to join a multiplayer game in the first place, deal with random noobs or trolls, all that. If multiplayer didn’t have some advantage nobody would play it.

Do you consider four times as many materials for the same time / effort a valid disparity between group play and solo play?

A big buff is better than a small buff. :smiley:
And you already have made your own thread for your suggestion, no need to hijack this one.

This is nonsense.
Let people play multiplayer because they enjoy it more.
If you were right, and nobody enjoys playing multiplayer, everyone would apparently be better off by not playing it. Why try to push people into a mode that is worse (which I dont think it is, but it seems like you do).

Not rewarding multiplayer more than solo seems like a win/win.

As for the time spend finding groups etc. Fair enough. Make solo get 3.5x the bounty rewards, then you have left a little extra for the multiplayer overhead.

Of course, another and better approach might be to get rid of split bounties.
In multiplayer people should actually play and stay together. Not go do their own thing.

In the opening post…

So, I put a link to my new idea about what could be put on the tokens. You’re the one that brought up the solo vs group issue, not me, I was just responding to it.

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I did ask for suggestions, so I don’t feel this is a hijacking. I actually like his idea.

Or something they could do is make Asheara’s Vestment a follower set.

The set would have the following bonuses:

2 piece: Your followers’ have their attack speed increased by 25%

4 piece: While this set is equipped on your hired follower, you get all three follower and they share talisman effects.

There’s really no reason why Followers shouldn’t be able to have all three tokens active at once in my opinion.

Nah, that really would kill public bounties. They would just be too slow then.

So you never played a game with your friends because it was fun? Only because it gave you an advantage over SP?

Hardly much slower than doing them solo or in a private group. A group can still search an area faster than a single player. Just cant go do 4 different bounties at the same time.

Too bad. Groups should lose any benefits provided if they stay too far or are in different zones while keeping the additional monster buffs.

How bout this, since there was a thread a while back about bumping up torments “because the rest of the game isn’t as challenging as GR 150.”

Solo Bounties: GR 75 as it is now.
2 man: GR 100
3 man GR: 120
4 man: GR 150

Now they all have to stay together and those folks crying for more challenge have it too.