Follower tricks?(Executioner/Oculus)

So far I have executioner and oculus on my mage follower. She pops oculus constantly. I also want to try LoD and other things on her. Has anyone tried LoD or Gem of efficacious toxins?

I’m still trying to figure out how to gaurantee occulus and season spawns drop together. There seems to be some logic to get them to be near each other easily. haven’t quite figure it out yet.

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Read the patch notes, Executioner does not work on followers.

The Executioner

  • New Legendary Power: Attacks will slay enemies with less than (5-10%) health.
  • Note: This item’s power does not work on followers. This is intended.

… also, legendary gems down work on followers.

Many legendary items have no effect on followers.

You may refer to this guide for equipping followers:

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Then why am I popping oculus circles every few seconds.

I’ve read lots of things that say some gems work on followers.

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Occulus ring is a ring, not a gem.

It procs so often because both follower and your kills proc the effect, even the ring is equipped on your follower. And the proc rate is 100%.

The ring is very special. Other items don’t work like this. The behaviour of this ring was mentioned in a patch note long time ago.

I have no idea what the “lots’ of things that say” you are talking about. Do you know the difference between the ring and the Executioner? The only gem that would work on a follower is the Gem of Ease in a weapon for leveling.

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This says the work for the follower. Or at least one person said it does. Has anyone tested this and proved it?!

One more time, Legendary gems do NOT work on followers!!! The only gems that work are the regular gems!!! Are you trolling use???:-1: The only gem that would work on a follower is the Gem of Ease in a weapon for leveling to 70, that is it!


No, I’m not trolling you. Why do yo think this. I tend to not take peoples word. Because that doesn’t usually come out right the others don’t work? It’s easy for things to change. Or odd wording to be used that causes mass confusion. Especially in this game. People are confused all over the place. How can you expect people not to ask.

That is one of the things I hate about this game and this community.

I’m sorry but you can get mad all you want. People are not just going to take your word because you believe it strongly. It doesn’t even matter if you are correct. Why do you think you are correct. If you are just answering people have no reason to take your answer because there is no way to know how or if you are correct. This is how conversations go.


I have played the game for over 7 years, how about you? I know for a fact that legendary gems do not work on the followers. I will let others tell you the same thing. :-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1: You are a troll! :-1:

The only gem that would work on a follower is the Gem of Ease in a weapon for leveling. :sunglasses:


You can say that all you want but nobody else knows how you know that. Why do you think that is the case? Why would the poison gem not work for their own bonus or he measly 10%.

It’s stupid enough they used only rings/ammy on followers. But then they get rid of all gems usage. It should allow free range of equipment. I’m assuming they originally intended this. did they remove them all?


I think you are trolling us too.


Simple Answer Oculus works on Follower. Executioner does not. Leg gems do not. Its a well tested and known fact
BIS is usually
Oculus . Unity . Thunderfury for Templars. Ess of johan and relic that doesnt let them die.
If u dont use unity then u can swap it out for anything . Maybe a nagelring for the humour of the ads it generates
Maybe if u do sone research ull see all answers to ur post r accurate and your being laughed at for thinking otherwise


Then why don’t you link to where it says none of them work. If you know it should be easy.

It’s not a matter of research. Half of this stuff isn’t documented or spewn over lots of pages of stuff I can’t find anywhere.

And I’ve done lots of research. Or I wouldn’t be asking.

If you have done research them you would see the hundreds of posts and some youtube footage explaining that legendary gem effects do not work on followers. Plain and simple. Even posts on what legendary powers do and do not work.But im sure from your extensive measily 600 paragon you know better then half of the veterens in the forum

So much for your lots of “research”:-1::-1::-1::-1: Legendary Gems - Diablo Wiki

Blizzard’s John Yang explained the design theory behind Legendary Gems while they were being tested on the PTR, July 15, 2014. [2]

Hi everyone. I wanted to pop in here while discussion on Legendary gems is ongoing.

First off, our philosophy on Legendary gems is that, when you pick one up for the first time, you should immediately want to use it, assuming it’s for your build, since some gems don’t apply to all builds/needs. This puts a minimum bar on the starting power level. After that, the power increase per upgrade is directly related to the frequency of upgrading, which is closely tied to the Greater Rift reward scheme and is still being iterated on. In the end, we’d like gems to be infinitely upgradeable when it makes sense, but not be outrageous.

Additionally, all Legendary gems have been disabled for followers. These powers were not designed for followers in mind, and this way we can ensure the gems are of a high power level because you can only have 3 equipped. In the future, if followers need avenues of advancement we would likely make Legendary gems specifically designed for them.

Now for the details. The existing stats you see on Legendary gems on the PTR today are somewhat placeholder. So, to steer further discussion in a direction that’s more in line with the next PTR build, here are the freshly tuned numbers (with some of my notes) for each gem.

The only gem that would work on a follower is the Gem of Ease in a weapon for leveling to 70.

So much for your lots of “research” :-1::-1::-1::-1:

Followers do not benefit from set bonuses and Legendary Gems.


Does cooldown reduction work on followers? I’ve read that it does not - the only cooldown reduction that does work is from the Templar/Enchantress/Scoundrel Token that reduces their skills by 50%

Good question. Someone in game said CDR is the most important stat for followers like the templar followed by attack speed. I don’t know if he was correct or not. Any expert want to chime in?

From what I remember, only for the Templar’s healing ability cooldowns. None of the other skills, or the other two followers, seem to be affected by CDR.

CDR items have no effect on follower skills. The only item that reduces their cooldowns is their ancient relic. (reduce cooldowns / cannot die / learn all skills)