Fjord cutter question

If i have a legacy fjord cutter ouldi wear that one with the new one?
Im not sure if it still counts so you couldnt dual wield it.

Yes, you should be able to equip them both.

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You’re not sure if what counts? You only need the legendary power once.

They have different powers.

Not sure if you can wear both. But you can certainly cube a new version and wear the old one.

I can do this with my legacy Magefist.

Ahhh OK. You’d probably be better off with something else, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

I understand the question now - thank you.

yes im probably better off with something else, but i like to try new weird builds.

double 300ths can be equipped

You can’t wear both, just tried it. You can have the new one equipped in the cube and legacy one in hand though. Did not try that out to see what damage is like.

darn it, well it figures