Fix Rabid Strike clones being buffed by Mystic Ally bonuses

Dude, which is in changed first? sWK have been changed to use stack for years and way before the last time inna change. The bracer with cyclone damage buff was introduced at the same time as last inna change. There has never been a SWK build with RS either now or before. Not only to mention the damage of SWK has always been bound to the stack of SW before you need to consume 1 stack to make the damage increase so you have to wear VW as well

Because of area damage. Fire WOL does not lack spirit as well since you have 30% resource reduction from chest armor. People use Tyreal chest armor for pushing the limit. But I would say the very reason to use pillars is the better area damage proc than fire.

Nope :man_facepalming:

If you used VW it was to maintain your Stacks, because they tend to drop quite easily …
But they wasn´t needed to increase the Damage of the Build.

They use it because it siply provides more Base-Damage.
I used it all the Time, even as everyone used Fire for more AE
It is super effective against Elites and you can basicly melt a Guardian.

Just ask Quin or some of the germ. Comm. I went on for Years of defeanding my precious Pillars :crazy_face:

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Don’t give me the speed build, link me a gr push build. You can do speed with whatever you want.

Not everyone is using fire. Fire has better damage range does not mean it has better area damage buff. The area damage from lighting pillars is much better than fire because they last longer. You don’t have to defend pillar, most monks know it is good.

Also, we are talking about WOL are we? What is that when you link me a LTK build? So funny …

We are talking about Rabid Strike.

And LTK use this Weapon also. And esp while leveling from 1-70 it is still a strong and viable option, where you mostly use physical, for the higher burst, or fire for more resource cost reduction.

Here just one of the first testings of Davlok back in the Days and also what he thought

Other spenders with Rabid Strike:
Wave of Light = Fail since it RS doesn’t proc with Tzo-Kirin equipped
LTK = Fail since it doesn’t take into account Rivera’s speed bonus
EP = Fail since 1x extra EP means nothing
CS = Fail since the purpose is to group in a specific place, not a random place
SSS = Fail since Uliana’s 3 weapons are set in stone.

you mean - was

and that is right, because back in the days everyone has used the 2h Daibo , because not only for the higher base damage, but also to handle the spirit costs.

Ok, so I change my statement to there is no SWK WOL build with RS. The discussion has been about WOL fire, pillars, range build malee build, and SWK WOL build change and then Suddenly LTK comes in LoL

Why was, there never been a SWK RS WoL, even today

Because SWK consumed your SW Stacks back in the Days …
And today you have to carry 3 Weapons to make it work

Prior to 2.4, it had different set bonuses: decoys were summoned by Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush or Wave of Light, exploding for 1000% damage within 10 yards radius. When decoys exploded, damage of Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush and Wave of Light would be increased by 500% for 3 seconds.

Prior to 2.6.1, the 6-piece bonus worked differently: it would make the skills consume a stack of Sweeping Wind in exchange for 3000% increased damage. This was eventually replaced with a passive buff dynamically based on the number of active stacks.


I agree and you proved my point and contradicted yours XD

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What did i proved ?

That you have no clue?
Yea thats right.

Stop this silly dicussion …

  • From the beginning swk was dmg per stack
  • vw had more stacks since years, kyo belt was for maintaining the stacks
  • rs was introduced way after swk wol builds existed and rs was NEVER used on ANY wol build with swk, the earliest version of swk hat a ~x3 factor with vw and rs always has x2 factor. so rs would never make sense with swk.
  • rs was first used with innas wol and then with lon / lod wol and ltk builds
  • posting useless guides to nowadays patch changed game makes no sense.
  • pillar AND fire bell were always (!) viable alternatives but most people played fire since it has better ressource management, easier supporting legs AND the kyo blade 250% dmg buff comes only when dropping bells on less than 3 enemys - and fire hits the whole screen. pillar has less buff usually because you need to place it on the enemys. But with the change on etherals you might get enough spirit to being able to have aquilla def buff up and running, not more, not less.

And if one person is the bell master - it’s me, I played this build even when it was not the strongest and I tried everything with ringing the bell ^^

The discussion is about a questionable bug with the clone of the rabid strike wpn with botlg and ally boots.

  • clone was ever treated as MA
  • without this you would make wol be rip
  • you might fix it by not giving fire ally the extra x5 dmg on the bracers.
  • wol builds need x8 or more dmg factor, so nothing wrong with buffing it.
  • they also need more def
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What privilege do you posess to say:

“The interaction is unintended and should be patched.”

I’m really interested in your response.


I still don’t understand why this bug is a bad thing. There are good bugs and bad bugs. I think this is a good bug, a pretty little bug and shouldn’t be bothered, let it do its thing and get on whit our lives.:heart:

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The RS clone is counted as mystic ally is not a bug. It is how dev implement this, just the description on RS is not very clear. The bug is from the RS clone counted as Fire ally which make it quite OP, so they may fix it. What I hope for is they remove this fire ally x5 bonus thing but change the total damage buff from the Bracer from 400% to 800%, this would make both WOL strong and also inna water ally strong, since the water ally is the only rune that can use all kind of damage multiplier, (fire ally does not benefit from Attack speed and area damage and ally skill damage)

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wasn ?

He was just arguing, that wol
1.) was always played with rs
2.) clone-dmg is always fire (because its generated by epi and not the skill itself )
3.) rs needs to be re-coded /rewritten that it always spanws fire (wich would kill ltk)

and some other things :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but thats after all a problem of the new bracers and has nothing to do with rs :slight_smile: :sunflower:

What is said is:

  1. WoL always play with RS (with LoD in Pushing high GR)
  2. Clone ally summoned is always counted as fire ally (Your brain clearly can not understand this point)
  3. Rewritten the description is not re-coding the mechanic (Your brain can not understand this either)
    You are clueless, as well as a very bad understanding.
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But isn’t it a good thing? It makes everything op that uses it. No? I think it’s a win. :grin:

He did not… He said: The clone was always treated as fire MA, but it does your skill, so your element.

Well … there was only op who ment it is “wrong” coded or has a bug because it might be too strong. Making the clone of rs not being a pet would kill all rs builds since they are way to bad performing right now, but this has nothing to do with the way that it is treated as fire ally, could just be an ally and pet. botlg is the true nonsense here.

this time it was you writing some things that simply are not true.

kyo belt, not vw

it was always stack based… Ok, this is not true, there has been a time when swk also buffed ep and many players used miranae and pillars and palm, but that was just a crappy gameplay and back in season 2 where everything was just crap.

But you post nonsense guides here with swk and its about rabid strike and clone, so this makes no sense at all. It was ronin first who did not understand that ipxn00b was only writing about lon version, mentioned s12-14 ladders - but noone ever should have brought swk in this specific thread. Just a missunderstanding - so just stop it, calm down all and getting facts together.