Finally found a Primal bow this season

Yes, this is true. The cold damage applies the slow of Trapped and Cull the Weak.

Edit: This is incorrect. Upon further investigation, this is apparently not so.

Embarrassing. But elemental damage type does matter for Elemental Exposure, at least for Wizards. My apologies for the bad example.

I wouldn’t go that far. I know some stuff. I don’t know a lot. lol

Well, I tend not to be so harsh, but that’s ok. No one can know every little thing about every interaction of items in a game. I certainly don’t. I had a post on here a while back about area damage and how it interacts and works because I didn’t know exactly how it worked… lol

No, it definitely doesn’t.


If the DH’s ability is runed with cold, the ability will cause cold damage regardless of what element is on the weapon, e.g. if you rune Hungering Arrow with Devouring Arrow the damage will be cold, even if your weapon isn’t.


Thank you for the correction. I was in error. Retracted. Although weapon damage type does matter for Wizards, the example I give was incorrect (though I always thought it DID work.)

My bad.

Well, I had no idea for sure myself so… Nice to have confirmation. I did hear/read about it a few times though.

OH well. So re-rolling damage on a Primal Yang’s is not the best idea even if you rolled it perfectly. lol Good to know.

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Same. I heard it around enough that I thought it worked.

I tested it before I posted that just to check. I thought there was one specific scenario it might work: an ordinary non-skill attack. As that inherits the damage type on your bow.

But even in that situation, it didn’t trigger a slow. Although funnily enough, it did trigger Numbing Traps. But only for non-skill attacks, a cold bow + non-cold skill does not trigger Numbing Traps unless it otherwise would anyway, e.g. Entangling Shot. A non-skill attack with a cold bow deals cold damage, and triggers Numbing Traps, but doesn’t apply a slow/chill.


You going to tell him he is wrong !!!

The damage on the weapon is just damage no matter what it says

That was already figured out actually if you read a bit further down.

I was replying to the guy that was basically telling me I was wrong. When in fact that I was right. Why Blizzard did that in a way it kinda fools people. Think they have those damages when they only really have just damage.

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Ok, I’m confused. Were you using a different account? You have no other replies in the thread… lol

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If you mean me, you still are wrong. Weapon damage matters is certain situations. Elemental Exposure is 100% one. However, it does not work for the example I gave (Oops! Not my class but I had heard it worked). There are a few other situations that I know that work, such as Cold damage on a merc weapon (trapped), lightning damage on merc weapon (if using Wyrmward). I don’t know if Bad Medicine works on +psn on weapon for WD, because that is very similar to Numbing Traps which does not work. There might be a few other examples.

Pinging DKMT to sort it out, he’s is a DH guy, I’m the original #wizdog.

Cold damage rolled on a weapon DOES NOT automatically slow an enemy, or cause Cull of the Weak to take effect, regardless if you’re using a cold runed skill.

If anyone tested this and saw 20% increased damage from Cull of the Weak, be sure you didn’t equip Iceblink, Bane of the Trapped gem, Thrill of the Hunt Passive, Slow or Chill secondary rolls on gear, or any equipped skill that procs Slow/Chill, such as Multishot Windchill – as any of these will produce a false positive test result.


I have 3 accounts. Two are mine and one is my 11 yr grand daughter’s. I help her out with her characters. She doesn’t like playing public games. She only likes to play the story line. She told me there is to many rude, disrespectful, & mindless people playing the game.

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So to get back an track now that we got all that sorted out.

That is one shiny Yang’s DTMAce, and yes it is very flexible for different builds and gear choices.

The fact that it has poison damage is immaterial. Too many people have ruined Demon Hunter weapons by rolling for a damage type instead of an important stat. I’ve seen Yang’s, HPS’s and Karlie’s Points rendered pretty much useless with misinformed rolls.

As this is a DH forum, and the thread is about a DH weapon, then stating that damage type on the weapon does not matter is valid.

If your follower is using Wyrdward, then you will need lightening damage. The follower upgrades have diminished the popularity of Wyrdward, but it is still a valid choice.

Again, congratz on that awesome Yang’s, hope you are just as fortunate next season.

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I won’t be holding my breath, but then again, who knows with the way RnG works in this game. LOL

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On both my accounts I had primal Holy Point Shots. Then Blizzard change the stats on them. Been trying to get them back again still nothing.

Now that the season has ended, I have merged my two DH builds. Note I dropped the Primal shoulders as the ancient ones I had were rolled the way I wanted.

Going to update the original post too, since that DH up there is now back to being a mule. lol

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