thanks for giving me one more reason not to play this game.
The reason why most Personal Loot advocates will disagree is that someone hogging all of the items in FFA ultimately make people feel alienated and not want to play and probably end up quitting due to lack of equity.
They’re not wrong… for the current generation demographic. A lot of up and coming gamers nowadays are used to the way of things being given to them and I’m not saying this out of spite or to downplay them. I say it because it is how (arbitrary number alert) 90% of games that have come out in the past 10 years just give things to their players without regard to the ramifications incurred by reducing the need for players to interact with the game they are playing, outside of the immediate gameplay.
Diablo 2 came during a generation of quite hardcore gaming, and just the same people still play Diablo 2 despite the “unfair” looting system. Sure, there’s people from my generation that don’t like it, but there’s a huge demographic for FFA loot as polls all across the interwebz have determined recently in regards to “change vs no change”.
There are no games like D2, that create the same type of game D2 was/is.
I have played a few to try and fill that void, yet I always went back to D2. Was going to again, then all my characters were gone, and now will never return.
So instead of playing D2 again, since they are doing a remaster, I decided to wait on it.
I have played
Grim Dawn
Torchlight 2
None of them are close to D2.
amen, 1100% agree
I mentioned while ago on this forum that p loot will lead to this idea and asking to increase drop rates. Been told that neither will happen and yet this one is already here. Second will come if they actually implement it.
Path of Exile offers three looting styles, including FFA. The party leader can change the loot style.
There are currently 3 allocation options:
- Permanent Allocation:
Once allocated to a player, the allocation is set until that player leaves the area.
- Short Allocation:
The allocation lasts 5 seconds then becomes available to all players.
- Free for All:
No items are allocated.
The allocation will only assign the following items, all others are always considered free-for-all:
- Unique items
- Equipment with 6 sockets or 4+ links
- Currency
- Maps
- Gems
- Vaal fragments
PoE is a fine game for as far as loot is concerned but the game is so bloody mindless. No meaningful combat in any way, shape or form. Stuff just explodes, and you’re left wondering what to do at the end of the day.
Grim Dawn looks dumb, I’ll be dreadfully honest. Not a fan of ARPGs that have modern weapons in them, in this case, guns. Just feels clunky.
Wolcen’s too broken for me to make any statements.
TL2 was amazing. TL1 too. Both spiritual successors to D2 as they were made by the original Diablo and Diablo 2 developers.
The amount of items on screen would be absolutely overwhelming in a public 8 player game.
Seems like the only person who want it to be fair is you, with your idea of “class assigned loot”?
PL is not fair. You might not get what you want. The necro might get the good barb sword you wanted.
I am pretty sure it was not a real request, but rather concern trolling, as the person asking for it doesnt seem to want PL at all.
Also, no, none of those will come just because of PL. That is a fallacy.
The exact same amount of items would be visible in FFA and PL. Since the exact same amount of items would be dropping.
Really feels like we are going in circles with these topics
??? I’m a FFA advocate, might want to read again.
The “give me PLoot” crowd is the same crowd that would DEMAND a timed head-start in a 100 meter race if the opponent was faster than them.
Some, not all, but I agree.
I did. But lets see what you wrote:
You are the one obsessing with fairness and assigning loot to classes here.
Which has nothing to do with PL.
Ok D2 Unique items
White Items
Yellow Items/Rares
Blue/Magic items
Trying to see if it was kind of a 1:1 ratio
Is there anything else that would be Ploot viable?
Keys would have to be in there, as well as essence.
2nd Edit:
Torch and Anni?
You sir sure see things through some weird goggles…
I was addressing an issue with Personal Loot and how it doesn’t work without specific mechanics involved to make it more personalized so that it functions in the way that it should for loot distribution that is divided up amongst players so that people don’t get unnecessary items or get more items than another person purely based on an RNG system.
In the end, D2 needs to stay FFA because it is as “fair” as it is going to get. (inb4 pickit arguments from Personal Looters, we already know where this is going to go)
I’m not for calling people out for disagreeing with me but your reading comprehension needs some work. “Obsessing” you say, please. There’s a difference between obsessing and working out the kinks to make something more viable and less arbitrary.
I suppose it depends on how they implemented ploot. In Diablo 3 for example everything is instanced and items drop for all players but you dont see the others drops unless the pick it up then drop items that aren’t bind on pickup IIRC.
If ploot were implemented I see it being instanced not allocated or timed since that’s how it was done in D3 and this is a blizzard game. They’d probably try to keep the systems similar so as not to confuse players switching between D2/D3.
It seems like a bad idea to show a drop in someone else’s instance from a developers perspective. New players would be frustrated and not know why they’re seeing items they can’t pick up.
I don’t really think you’d have to copy it in that way.
I would say in D2:R you would allocate:
- Uniques
- Set items
- Runes - possibly only above a certain level
- Gems past a certain quality
- Charms
Some people would probably argue valuable crafting bases and socketed items should also be included. I think that’s debatable since you don’t want to over allocate as that leads to more wasted items.
No you were not.
PL works perfectly fine without your “solutions”.
Just dont pick up the items you dont want?
You know, just like FFA.
Why does it have to be fair?
It is quite obvious your goal was not to make anything more viable. Just dishonest strawmanning. Pretending that some disastrous ideas of yours would be needed on top of PL, to “fix” it (aka. to ruin it). Come on, you can disagree with PL all you want, but you are not arguing in good faith here.
Why should they do that? D3 is a bad game, and its loot system is bad. D3 is simply irrelevant for the topic tbh.
Since FFA is not like D3, and that will seemingly/hopefully be in D2R, there is no logical reason why another system, which is also not in D3, could not be added without somehow having to add a D3 system.
I’m sure the poor players would manage to learn. If they can learn FFA they sure can learn Timed Allocation too.
We are talking about D2, the game that supposedly shouldn’t handhold players. Are PoE players that much smarter than D2 players?
And of course, if you are too frustrated by PL, you can just use FFA instead.
Well, it is there for two reasons; 1) to allow you to pick up the item, if the original winner does not. You need to to be able to see the items that you might be able to get.
and 2) to allow people to talk and trade for the items, as in your original post in this thread.
That doesn’t seem like a bad idea.
The item is not dropping in someone else’s instance. The loot is not instanced. Just allocated to a player, temporarily.
I am legitimately done here lol. You’re continually pulling strawman arguments with me and are being completely disingenuous, providing literally zero reason or explanation for the arguments you pull against anything I say. Just pulling things apart for the sake of arguing because you don’t agree.
Have fun~
Oh my friend, you are living in a world full of wonders. I like this optimism, if only it was anything close to this.
In your example, in the majority of games composed of random players that don’t know each other, player A will most commonly not answer, or leave. He may be willing to give the item if it’s crappy, but almost never if it has any kind of value.
At least that was the case from my personal experience of D2 back int the days. I hope people have changed and are willing to behave the way you describe. I truly would love that, but I don’t think it will ever happen.