Few Wizard suggestions

Some item changes I thought of that might help a few more builds out.

Wizard Spike: 25% chance on attacking also hurling a frozen orb. Arcane orb damage increased by up to 350%.

What if it was changed to be 100% chance on attacking with a signature spell instead of any attack and arcane orb changes based on what you have on your skill bar. If you currently don’t have arcane orb on your bar defaults to arcane orb without a rune. Also of course keep the damage increase of arcane orb up to 350%.

This change could open up to some LoN Builds wanting to use a different element than just ice.

Tal Rashas seems to be under performing, or just more difficult to push.

2pc: Damaging enemies with arcane, cold, fire, lightning will cause a meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. 4 Second Cooldown for each damage type. Increase the damage of meteor by 1000%

4pc: arcane, cold, fire, lightning attacks each reduce damage by 15%, lasting 20 seconds. (as novel as 25% all resist per attack, an overall 15% damage reduction is leagues better, also the duration increased to 20 seconds helps when moving between packs of enemies)

6pc: keep exactly the same except double the duration numbers, 16 seconds instead of 8, 4 seconds instead of 2 and up to an additional 16 seconds. 32 seconds total duration with all 4 stacks of elemental damage.

Mirror Ball: currently only really gives magic missile 1-2 extra missiles. Change to 2-5 extra missiles and increase the next non-signature spell casted by 250-350%.

This is the only part of your post that is correct. It’s clear that Tal Rasha should be a “meteor” set. Since “Nilfur’s Boost” is a thing, they should focus on increasing the AoE damage of Meteor.

I would suggest a starting place of “Double the radius and area damage of Meteor. Refund 20 AP when Meteor hits a target”.

And then just increase the 6pc to 20,000% and see where it lies.