Fehlende Audiowiedergabe im Abenteuer modus

Im Abenteuer modus fehlen von den Nebencharakteren die audiowiedergabe

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Bei mir bleibt der Necro stumm.

Google translate gives us…

The secondary characters are missing audio in Adventure mode

Which means this is likely to be relevant…

Blizzard’s stickied How to Write a Good Bug Report says…

So you want a good Bug Report? Here ist is:

Install Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition on your PS5
Patch to the latest Version.
Start the Game.
Create a new Necro.
Start a new Game.
Skip the Intro Scene (because there the Necro Talks.)
Then in the Start Area of Tristram move your Necro a Little Bit and! …. Tada! No Voice!
Last Step… Fix it……

Well, a good bug report wouldn’t be re-reporting a bug that’s already been reported multiple times, across more than one forum.

It sure would be nice to get a blue response for you console guys though.

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Yeah, sorry but this Bug exists for 6 Month and it’s very frustrating…… :neutral_face: