Feedback on the latest diablo 4 update(UI and stuff)

I appreciate the hard work diablo 4 dev team gave and specially love now they give update on a 3 months basis. now back to the subject

while I’m not a really big fan of the new left sided orb design. glad u guys brought back the traditional left and right orb design as an option(for the pc atleast).

the inventory screen and tab dont look right for a diablo game, a complete overhaul is needed. specially for the weapon/armory screen, the current version just dont look stands out and mixing it with status and power on the right side makes it really cranked with in just inventory screen and lack depth and give rather cheap felling. status and power screen should have its own tab for example the d2 character status tab. I understand this still a pre alpha design far from anything concrete, but please rework the the UI for the inventory and character status tab.

as for the monster lore item art update, I greatly appreciate all the works. looking forward for ur next update on itemization and character customization.

thx for ur hard work, cant wait for the next update.

your thread will get closed sooner or later since there already is an official thread about the blog post where you can post your feedback:

^^ so you better post it there.