Feedback and suggestions on Diablo 4

Necro-ing a 2 year old post is frowned upon.

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Okay this ship might have sailed but I have an idea for D4’s lore/story-building direction. You know how each Diablo game had an overarching theme:

D1 = Terror
D2 = Destruction
D3 = Greed

Well I think D4’s theme should be “Betrayal” as per the intro sequence. Now go and inform the art & cinematics teams that, as much as doesn’t fit this theme, sweeping revisions are in order if you want to meet that 2023 deadline. Go, make haste! I believe in you.

I would like to see character creation custom preset.
Like if you create a rogue, that you can save the current preset and if you in the future want another rogue, that you can have the same looks. Especially for the beta i want to have my characters preferably the same

I’m always looking for groups to do dungeons in D4. It would be nice if a feature could be added to help players find other players who are looking to complete dungeons or other high level content. Maybe a menu item where you could check off some criteria such as the dungeons you want to play, min level of player, player class…and so on. The system would match you with other players looking to play that dungeon and you could choose to group with players looking to do dungeons.

Then why are you posting in D3 forums, necroing an old and obsolete thread in the process?


I thought I was in the Feedback and suggestions on Diablo 4 forum.


Forum mods are game agnostic. It’s all the same everywhere.

Ok… enjoy your season… that’s all i want for myself too lol.

His Time Machine is busted! :hourglass_flowing_sand: