Ethereal Recollection Achievement Disappeared

So, as the topic describes, my achievement disappeared. It is no longer there.

I logged in the day before the season ended and grinded out the ethereals I hadn’t gotten before just to get this achievement. However, to my great disappointment, I now do not have it. (I thought about taking a screenshot but I figured there was no reason…)

Anybody know of any way to resolve this?

Indeed, it disappeared when Season 24 ended.
However, you may still have retained the ability to make use of the transmogs.

Especially when someone’s already provided screenshots…

Wait for Blizzard to fix it…


I would imagine the achievement would be moved to “feats” since it is no longer possible to obtain.

To clarify, feats were added into the achievement list since RoS was introduced and the Normal–Nightmare–Hell–Inferno progression was removed and thus achievements tried to those difficulties were now defunct/impossible. The feats count as zero points towards achievements and are a simply a way to record legacy achievements.

With regards to the Ethereal Recollection achievement/feat, the main bonus is the ability to transmog your weapons into those forms. If you have those transmogs, you should have the achievement (maybe viewable once Blizzard updates the list).


Hi Meteorblade.

Thanks for the update.

I actually saw a video in which someone had the FoS in their “career” tab and not their “season” tab. I figured that it would move over once the season ended as Iria mentioned, but it did not.

I do not have access to the Transmogs either. If that is a common issue I will wait for an update.

It was already in the Feats section as soon as it was obtained…

It’s not there any more. It’s not moved, it’s removed.

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Ah okay, I wasn’t aware of that. That’s likely a bug then and will be fixed sometime.