Ethereal Feat of Strength question

Do the Ethereals still count towards the 21/21 Ethereal Recollection Feat of Strength if they get scrapped/dropped/sold before the 21st Ethereal is found?

I don’t think you have to hold on to all of them.

Once you get one it counts as getting it. So do as you please with them.

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I will still hold onto them, so I can track my progress… otherwise I am not sure there is a screen somewhere that can tell you what you still miss…

It matters, because in the worst case you can always make a new character of the class that have not all drop yet, to help the hunt!..


you can track your progress in the feat of strength for how many you got…


Not typically for a feat of strength, no. Unearned achievements can be checked, but Feats of Strength are not visible until you obtain them. Unfortunately. Best to keep track on your own.

I’m going to do it this way. Seems like the easiest way to track them. Will take less than a stash tab to hold them all.

Are you sure about that? All of the existing Feats of Strength in D3 only appear after you obtain them. Feats of Strength are different in that sense than regular achievements. It would be nice if they made this one visible so it could be tracked, but there’s no existing precedent for that. We’ll have to wait and see I think.


Well okay, now there’s precedent. I’m very glad to be wrong!

It’s already visible in non-season Feats of Strength! That was very thoughtful of them.


Love that edit, gotta check that screen tonight! :slight_smile:

Confused… I know I have 3 Wizard, 3 DH and 1 Bard Ethereals.
However on that screen it says I found 9… how could that be?! :open_mouth:

EDIT My bad I also have 2 crusaders ethereal! haha…

was wondering something else: if you get different ones on hardcore and softcore do they count on the same feat of strength or is it separate? Was thinking of making a different class for hardcore.

Is does count toward the same achevement. HC or SC dosen’t mater. That’s why it’s good to farm whit multiple characters.