Ethereal achievement not loading

Hello -

In my case I do not have the achievement or the transmog items. Strange this seems to be hit and miss. My wife and I both completed this. She however does have the transmog items.


You should reset server before too late.

Same situation here. Logged on for the season, no transmog, no achievement :frowning:


Same situation here(ASIA). Logged on for the season, no transmog, no achievement !!!

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Same situation here(ASIA). Logged on for the season, no transmog, no achievement !!!

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Same issue for me. No feat of strength, no transmog (even though I completed the achievement in the previous season).


Same issue. No Feats of Strength, no transmog and I am certain I had completed the achievement.

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EU Same issue for me, completed the achievement but now in new season 25 i dont have the achievement

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Same situation here on EU. Logged on for the season, no ethereal transmogs at the mystic, no ethereal recollection feat of strength achievement anymore and I am 100% sure I completed the achievement during the last season.


  • lost the archievement
  • but still have the transmogs in season and non-season =)

Maybe I still have the transmogs, because I used them on some non-season items during Season 24?

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I’m having the same issue on NA. I complete the achievement but it’s missing and no transmogs.

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same issues here
no transmog nor achievement.

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Would like to add to the issue. Finished the achivement on the 20th of November in EU, see neither the Feat of Strength nor the Transmogs.
A player in my clan has the transmogs; we played together to complete it.

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I am also having this same problem. I know I got them all last season but now I have no feat of strength or transmog.


My FoS disappeared but I still have the transmogs. A friend that I did the Feat with doesn’t have the achievement or the ability to transmog the weapons at the moment, but I know she finished since I was grouped with her when she got the Feat.

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Having the same problem. No achievement, no transmogs. Earned the achievement on Dec 3rd. Can’t add links unfortunately, but have a screenshot of earning the achievement even.

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My friend and I both did the achievement and he was able to transmog his gear, and it doesn’t show up on mine.

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EU Same issue for me, completed the achievement but now in season 25 and I dont have the achievement/transmogs

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I did the “Ethereal recollection” feats of strenght before season 24 ended (near the end). I saw the achievement, tried the transmogs and was very happy. But now I cant see the achievement nor can I transmog, except for some reason to doombringer and gimmershed. Can you PLEASE help me in this issue as it was a pain to do this. Thank you very much for any help

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Scroll up to the Blizzard reply which says they’re investigating…