Etched Sigil procs

I’ve been playing around with Etched Sigil and however I try it only procs three times for each channeling cycle. Is this an intended mechanic? I’ve been doing my best at googling this, and looking here but nothing seems to have been posted about this.

To clarify: The procs of my damaging spells happen on the first three tics (I guess every 60 frames for 180 frames) and then not again.

Looking at your profile, you only have 2 other damage spenders: Hydra and Black Hole. Both have cooldowns, so Etched Sigil won’t proc them until they are off cooldown. And it will only cast one hydra at a time even though you have the ability to have another out.

Ahhh, well hydra doesn’t, but your point is probably still true.
It casts Hydra twice, so I guess it just doesn’t recast that once it hits my limit of active hydras, and it triggers a secondary cooldown of Black Hole not affecting the Black Hole on the skill bar.
Mystery solved.

Hydra has a “cooldown” in the sense that it lasts 15 seconds. So the ES will only cast another hydra when the first one disappears. And it only casts one at a time, even with the Serpents sparkler. You have to manually cast the 2nd one.

If you try it with spenders that don’t have cooldowns, like meteor or blizzard, you will find that the ES does trigger them every second.

It does trigger both hydra though! Tried it many times now (doesn’t really detract from your main point, but might be good to know)

Odd. I’ve tried it and it only casts one for me.