Etched Sigil lost cause!

I waited 2+weeks for updates and changes, People spoke out in droves with hatred of the new Etched Sigil change and it was completely ignored, you go and buff the Energy Twister Sword which solidifies that you want Wizard to play Energy Twister as the S22 Meta!

REVERT ETCHED SIGIL! no one wants it!


I just created a new wizard and leveled him up to 70 and was equipping him with the gear to run Etched Sigil when they took the server down for the day. This PTR has been one disaster after another. In that respect Etched Sigil isn’t the worst part of this season but it’s damn close.


I agree but for me and many others like me Etched sigil had a high versatile use for sets and builds and now it’s been gutted to one spell instead of a multitude of spells. Removing customization.


RIP Etched Sigil, you will be missed. Damn you D3 devs to hell.


wizards and sader will continue being ignoreds classes in S22

u have to understand that blizzard wants every1 to spend money in buying necro class

Well… the ptr being unstable is bad, true enough, but those are technical issues and they will be addressed sooner or later - hopefully. The Etched Sigil nerf on the other hand will destroys working channel builds, especially but not limited to Meteor Shower. That issue will last, so it’s actually worse :frowning:


First off, 28 items/sets were changed this patch; 8 of them were specifically for Wizard and Crusader each. WD got 5, Monk got 4, Barb and Necro got 1 each, and DH got 0 (Mantle is the 28th).

Second, you need to take a look at my comment here.

Your spam threads (which break the rules, btw) about the Invoker change are just as nonsensical.

revert ES and buff twisters on either TTS, Valtheks or Ranslors Folly accordingly.


And restrict Deathwish instead.