Error 1016 bugged like hell

Keep getting error code 1016, and no it’s not my internet, my connection is fine i’ve tracked it, it’s on YOUR end, and it’s an actual bug, the problem is in the launcher, which drops me on and off randomly, i’ve reinstalled both the game, the launcher, checked the connection and so forth, i can play for hours on end without any problems, and then suddenly, it starts going nuts. Please disable the error code, untill you’ve properly fixed it. It’s maddening to read the same suggestions over and over, when none of it works, nor is to blame.


Just add 3006… can’t retrieve hero list… :confused:

Same here! EU servers seems broken on USA server when i switch it works just fine.

Same, I was just playing my HC char and was lucky enough to not be in combat when it disconnected. But if it disconnected 10 seconds earlier, my character would permanently die due to blizzards fault (like they always do) and I would be mad.

My connection is fine the entire time.

Hi everyone,

Just to remind you that 1016 (network disconnection) is a technical issue, not a bug.
Reporting it in Bug Report forum won’t get support’s attention.

There is a pinned article “Common Connection and Latency Issues” at top of Technical Support forum.

If problem continues after trying the steps in that article, please running diagnostic “Looking Glass” and “WinMTR”, and post the result in Technical Support forum, not here. You can found the procedures at the very bottom of that article.

I have this since thursday… game connexion lost ? This 2012 game cannot survive 2020.

EU serwers seems broken…Many people get 1016 error code including me, sometimes I dont have even time for checking ranks because of such frequent disconnection… On US serwer I dont have that problem…

I have a same problem. Consantly random 1016 error. Tried everything. Im at europe server. My friends got same problem here. Almost unplayable in GRfts or bounty chain.

yea I get the same. can play 6 hours then dc dc all day. dc at night or in the morning/afternoons