Enable Voice Chat on D2R

Why not?

A voice chat system OPTIONAL through battle net between friends.


Discord already exist


As mentioned discord already does it plus people won’t use it because they don’t want to be banned over language or something.

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i have no problem with them adding this like they did in d3 but like d3 people will most likely stick with discord …

I already know that Discord exists and I use it everyday. But it will be easier to use Battle Net over another app running together with the game. The game is already launched by this very same system.

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No thanks.

We don’t need d2jsp degenerates yelling racial slurs at people online who try out Diablo 2 for the first time.


I would assume this will be a part of it since it uses the new battle net that includes your friends list and voice chat already.

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They should have an official Discord server before release. You can join and chat with friends!


Have you seen the stuff people say in Diablo 2?? Lolol. Seriously though— pretty racist stuffs.

Battle.net chat already exists so I assume you’re asking for an in game opt in. Nothing wrong with that! Personally wouldn’t use it much unless I make a friend.

I remember the days of taking up our internet and phone lines for hours on end with my high school buddies.

who said anything about jsp lol

does not matter what chat you use your gonna come across A Holes/ Immature people being racist etc fact of life people need more stone skin. Life is not always sunshine in rainbows we cant be snowflakes …


People seems to not read what I have said about using only with your battle net friends on the very first topic.

Your wish is granted!

This ^^

Battlenet has Voice chat with people on your friends list. It works beautifully. Friends even have the ability to drag and drop folks into a voice chat room so you can quickly expand your voice chat group.

That is one advantage of having the games migrated to the new Bnet infrastructure.

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On the time I have stopped playing Diablo III, this option has yet to be available. So it’s good to hear it.

The Alpha for Voice chat was 2016 and it released a while after that. I wrote an FAQ for the Alpha at the time.

If you have any Bnet friends in the Launcher you can feel free to try it out or just play with the features and settings.

To start an individual voice chat just right click the person. Make a group or access your past groups and chats, click the “Groups and Chats” button at the bottom of the Friends list. There are settings in the launcher for chats and such that you can configure. It lets you use push to talk or open mic for example.

I don’t know that it will have the access controls IN game, but you can just alt tab to the launcher and handle things then go back into the game.

Edit - looking at the newer updates it is now VERY Discord like. So you can make groups and within that have Channels (rooms) with voice chat and all that. Send a link for invite or directly invite folks. Either or.