Early PTR Mechanics / Feedback (Wizard)

Agreed, the Messerschmidt’s reaver will be hard to proc against an RG. I think it will fit well in a GR speed build though, in the very least.

Echoing Fury also has the potential to fit in with a Tal Chantodo Cain’s build.

Front runner in theory so far for push, at least for Vyr Cold Chantodo, is going to be OID, especially with the possible potential of Flavor of Time assisting with elite kills throughout the rift.

Squirt’s is also looking very favorable for wizard, seeing as we can generate a lot of shielding (assuming shielding prevents removal of the bonus).

Captain Crimson’s might be advantageous enough for certain builds. With Vyr, we could possibly drop Fazula. Ramp up time would be longer, but it could work. The extra CDR allows you to drop Zodiac, but then of course you fill that slot with RoRG worn (ugh).

Hard to proc with even normal mobs at High GR I’d say. As you suggested probably better for speeds.

I tested with a friend in PVP, Squirts takes 12 second after being hit to get to ×2 damage again. Roughly 2s of nothing, then 10s where it ramps up to 100% dmg.
Assuming it’s multiplicative, didn’t test.
Damage reduction decrease seems to be bugged, we could only get it to ~5% (144 → 152).
Shields (such as the gizzard) keep the amulet proced when taking damage.

Can you test please: lon archon with manald with EF. Btw, it can gives us some fun t16 build with runspeed fear ring

And damage multiplier should be pretty good.

Eww another ramp up mechanic, way too much of that. Should just give 100% right away considering it’s condition.

Does group kills add and refresh duration though?

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Maybe Echoing Fury and Messerschmidt’s Reaver should be able to activate their effects (at a low chance) on hit also.

Also after trying out echoing fury, I definitely agree with increasing it’s duration.

I too noticed Messerschmidt’s Reaver and realized it was a slight upgrade over Zodiac. It’ll be good for speeds, level off in mid-range runs, and considerably weaker in push builds.

I noticed Squirt’s for LoN-type builds. Starpact will probably use that.

Flavor of time is very hard to get a good roll on. I suppose if you are lucky enough to get one, it could bear some testing. Possibly useful in speeds over something like Traveller’s.

Most concerning about S18 is it’s basically S17 (Cont.) means builds will not change more than slightly, if at all.

Stone gauntlets suck. I can’t think of a single build that would use those. What were they thinking? Executioner is interesting. Rhykker had the theory it may work on a Mercenary, which would make it a useful item - but only if it works with a follower. Otherwise, it sucks, unless a zDPS can squeeze it in.

Cain’s is unuseable as well.

All this is overshadowed by the outright disrespect of Development soliciting all that feedback and acting on none of it. It borders on contempt and incompetence. I am already hoping the season is pushed back and real changes are made.

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I don’t think dropping 100 Archon stacks during the overlapping phase will be a good idea for Greater Rifts. You won’t even be at max attack speed for most of the run, and ramping up will be really bad.


I tend to agree, I doubt it’s possible to drop Fazula’s. It might perhaps be a way to go for an early seasonal start, because it’s very easy to craft. We’d have somewhere around 60% CDR, which would translate into 60% damage and around ~28% DR. 100 stacks of Fazulas is 100% damage, IAS, Armor and Resistances. What am I missing to make this work?

@Cratic Did you see if Executioner worked with a Follower?

It actually applies a legacy attack speed modifier that is not available in the game any more.


This is a vanilla affix that has been purged from the game since it directly scales the weapon base and therefore yields insane returns in 2-H equipped setups (slower weapons benefit the most here). During Vanilla this primary affix was depicted as “+ X Attacks per Second” (the old-school EF had a value of 0.25). Keep in mind that only thing in the game that scales the overall weapon base speed is WEAPON_IAS, however, that affix is local and only applies to the weapon its rolled on. The legacy affix, which also scales weapon base speed, is actually global, meaning, if you have two weapons with, one with “+ X Attacks per Second” and one with “+ Y Attacks per Second”, both weapon bases would be scaled with (X+Y). This yielded the possibility of outrageous attack speed values for DW setups; hence it’s removal.

There is nothing to test here. Archon Disintegration Tickrate snapshots upon clicking Archon; any dynamic attack speed gained within Archon (EF) will not have an effect on Paralysis/MH mechanics.

Can confirm that it doesn’t work.


Okay, I’ll submit a bug report. Literally no other reason for this item to exist if it doesnt work on a Follower.


Thank you for testing and clarifying. That’s pretty surprising, and will allow for a very nice increase for certain builds. Definitely makes it less desirable if you aren’t stacking AS. In the very least it seems to make weapon AS less desireable.

Hopefully an implementation that is contained to a unique legendary will prevent the double dipping. Good point though, what if they come out with another legendary that applies the same type of modifier?

@Cratic Do you anticipate any changes to the Vyr Speed build with the addition of Flavor of Time? If it’s worth using, we’d likely drop Furnace, pick up Messiershmidts’ Reaver and Cube FoT and equip CoE/Tp and Compass Rose? This is contingent on the theory that Flavor of Time trumps Furnace, of course.

You are quite right, this did not fare as well in a GR speed setting. In nephalem rifting captain’s+RoRG+Echoing Fury was trading blows with cold vyr Zodiac + Fazula’s. Might see some use there.

My best GR speed run so far was done with MSR+EW+CoE+Squirt’s. Managed a GR109 in 2:45 @ ~1600p equivalent. We’ll see if it’s still as good after Squirt’s is fixed.

Flavor of time will still be in the running if damage taken from squirt’s is too high to handle. Competing with the likes of Furnace and OID will make it a tough choice though.

Thus far I’ve enjoyed the OID based build with CoE if dropping the Squirts. That one cleared ~30-45s slower (if assuming same rift), but was more consistently defensive.

as an aside:
How Cain’s works is the bonus is rolled for each individual key that drops. So if you have 4 keys that drop in a rift, the 25% chance appears to be rolled individually against each key. I saw key drops as high as 7 from one rift (8 would be the highest possible, and lucky to boot).

That said, Cold Vyr Chantodo will still be preferable to a Tal Chantodo Cain’s or Sages setup earlier in season, as this latter build is both more difficult to configure and deals lower damage / clears noticeably slower without the extra paragons, augments, and gem levels.

Also, both Captain’s and Aughild’s damage bonuses are additive with damage increased by skills category.


Is it just my imagination or is Vyr even more OP with squirt’s instead of CoE?

lol, it just might be. Completely possible we’ll cube Squirt’s, Messerschmit’s, and Swarmi and equip Compass Rose/COE/ and TP. We’d be trading 50% elite damage for 100% all damage and -survivability.

Also possible we can run Zodiac, Compass Rose and TP and cube IoiD, Swarmi and Squirt’s. That might be something similar to what Cratic has going.

 If I am successful in my mission to have Executioner work on an Enchantress, it's possible we'll see 135+ clears pretty consistently.

Just a note if you are interested I’m going to link:

Capt. Crimson’s damage bonus is a potion snapshot mechanic. I expect the DR from capt. crimson’s to be similar. Read more about it here in this bug report:

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Since S 18 is DMO set, shall we discuss an early build path? is there a way to acquire Legacy of Dreams in a quick way, (like Boon from Vault, Powerful from 1st GR)?

I always hated DMO starts. But I feel like having a quick LoN would make it MUCH more fun. Maybe Legacy of Dreams could drop from your first Malthael or something similar?

I’m extremely interested in this as well. I’d like to figure out whether LoD would be faster or just trying to get to Vyr as fast as possible would be better.

Aside: What item is IotD?