Early D4 Reasoning is Worrying - You Cannot Control Infinite Systems

I agree with you.

That’s why it’s so weird that infinite systems are on the table now. If they get a chance to avoid repeating the same mistakes… they should.


I feel the same way. If you are an invested player, gear becomes redundant. The thing that keeps me going is gear. The system of D2 is great,but not being able to reach a finite level due to huge requirements feels bad as well. Level should never be a motivation to keep playing if you ask me.


Yes, you can. Just make the rewards logarithmic. Math will take care of limiting it.

I played some mmos with no level cap where after 23 years of the game online, the highest player is level 1425, and that’s now after they’ve made leveling considerably easier. Back when I used to play it 15 or so years ago, nobody had made past level 300, not even botters.

Okay and what’s the power difference between a level 300 and a level 1425?


Do you understand how absurd this makes the game come across?


There’s not really any content that the 1425 player can do that a level 500 can’t. And a skilled player can still Pk him.

I don’t actually. I’ve been having a blast with Tibia since I started playing in 2002, and few games even compare to the depth it has.

Agree. Infinite systems have no place in Diablo. Further, builds commonly get nerfed or buffed based on what a few high paragon outliers achieve.



So the devs implemented an infinite power system and your answer is “a skilled player can still PK him” presumably because they will need to outskill the massive power differential between them. That is exactly the problem with infinite systems, it’s now out of the devs control.

Your answer on dungeons is that there’s nothing the 1400 can do that the 500 can’t, while ignoring the basic fact that the 1400 obviously has an easier time with the game assuming equal skill levels. Which will scale, forever.

Sounds like trash design to me.


@Ulmaguest I don’t disagree with your main points, however, I do strongly feel that an infinite progression system is feasible IF they removed shared experience between characters.

If someone wants to level up 1 character the entire time they play Diablo IV, then why shouldnt they be allowed to level indefinitely with no cap? As long as when they decide to make a new character, they start at the very beginning with no experience passed on.

Also it has been said numerous times that the paragon system in Diablo IV will be nothing like it is in Diablo III

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It’s such a slow process to level up after level 800~ish that it takes years to get to 1400 and only 3 people worldwide managed to. Guilds are always competing for the highest levels and achievements. We usually celebrate when someone gets that strong. It’s not that we consider it unfair. He played more, he got stronger. We hear tales of legendary players getting to such heights. We actually know their names and respect them.

I’ve never seen something like this in Diablo. As in, someone actually getting notoriety and respect for what they accomplished with their characters. If anything, they get accused of botting.

Also, with a logarithmic experience curve, it takes less time for a level 800 to catch up to the level 1400 than it takes to the level 1400 to level up even more.

The problem remains the same whether it’s infinite for the whole account or infinite on a per-character basis.

The problem doesn’t really change at all.


The biggest issue that they need to fix is getting the best anti-cheat software/team they can afford.


Nope, the more posts the better, they will listen to the majority .

Majority hated Diablo 3.


remember why they introduced paragon at all and why we got paragon 2.0 later?

shouldn’t the discussion be “how much time spent is reasonable for task x or y” instead of will it be infinite or not?

aswell as what to actually do if you reached max lvl…

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I have a ton of faith in this game, if they take their time and do it right. I’ve been a huge Diablo fan since the franchise was introduced, and I’ve loved all 3 games so far.

I’m not going to sit here and preach “D2 this” or “D3 was a flop”, because I personally feel that all 3 games were amazing on their own. Yes, as a franchise, they dropped the ball on Diablo III, BUT D3 on its own is an amazing game. The combat in the game is very fluid and the gameplay is smooth. It’s visually pleasing with all the sprites and explosions.

It’s VERY early in development, so I’ll withhold an judgement on the game until they have a more solid baseline

You can control an infinite system; not because you want to but you had to. As seen in Diablo 3, developers design all sorts of details for us to follow so we wouldn’t break the game.

I can see some fanboy quoting this and tell you it’s not infinite but caps at 20k or 30k like it matters, because he heard it from a “friend”. Ah… Good times. I hope one of them drops here to defend D3 in all its glory.

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And you? I’m pretty sure you are speaking for a very small minority. :slight_smile:


I beg to differ, 1% of the game community hated Diablo III for its lack of connection to the old story line.

99% of the unspoken game community, which is everyone not on a public forum or reddit, has their own opinion of the game, none of which we’ll ever know.

It has done well enough over the years that they didn’t shut down the servers, so it can’t be doing that bad. They released a necromancer pack, and have slowly been adding content from the 2nd expansion that we didn’t get. Classic games continues to work on the game, and are adding new sets and legendary powers.

So in reality…just how bad is it? Looks alright to me

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You can have infinite lvling. Just not infinite scaling.
Could have a paragon-like system, where after paragon lvl X you simply dont get any more permanent power. It is entirely for “bragging rights” or whatever after that.
It can still give rewards though. Just not unique power.
Like, each 1/10/100 whatever paragon lvl after 1000 you might get a chest with random drops/crafting mats as a reward. Heck, give a random mythic item every 100 lvl. Useful, but not something that makes you grow in absolute power.


Good point, thank you.


Everyone has a right to demand for a product in which they are paying for to change for the better or what they think is better.

And just because you personally think that something is good doesn’t mean it’s actually good.

LOL. Don’t look your doors people, you’re contributing to theft culture, tell people to stop stealing!

Something something power scaling something something power scaling.

Sure, we can get behind this but certain solutions and ideas only make the problem worse.

This isn’t even his argument. You need better security to stop shoplifting and when you make policies/game choices that encourages players to use bots to progress.

Imagine a store with no locks on the doors. Why would do such a thing? It would just encourage bad people to walk in and take what they want and walk out. Sure you can say. “They can break in!” but why would you make it that easy to begin with?

(Boarder security debate in a nutshell.)

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