Blizzard thought so and nerfed wizards (144) and necromancers (142). The relative difference in power had further implications for wizards in its leaderboard compared to other classes.
problem is that wiz starpact also falls in that range and as it is now, it seems they won’t nerf that too…
edit: “bazooka” then thats what i meant and i know star pact is a rune…
Do you even know the difference between wiz star pact and bazooka? Stat Pact is just one rune on meteor. Omg how I’m tired of those scrubs who doesn’t even play 140+ have no notion of builds interaction and why they work that way but say something they believe is valuable. You better keep silent . Bazooka - archon interaction with channeling is OP. Not Start Pact
WW build is the hardest build in game to play, so hard to stay awake while playing it.
As someone else have stated :
Don’t bother going into a debate with Rna. Makes mistakes upon mistakes. Says one thing, then goes on saying the opposite.
Barbarian is strong in ptr cause the guy pushing has 10k paragon points.
Wizards prenerf did 4 greater rifts levels higher with only 6k paragon points.
Actually I would like to thank the Dev’s for making a few builds that a player doesn’t have to keep mashing a half a dozen keys and buttons or so, generally in a certain order, why you might ask?
Well there are older players like myself that have stiff joints usually caused by arthritis, which I am sure you know can be quite painful or disabled people of any age with a host of different injury’s or disability’s that like to play video games but makes it difficult.
So keep that in mind when you and I have read a few other threads by other players on this Forum that put down a build that might be too easy for you or them to play, that there are players that appreciate those kind of builds and wouldn’t be able to play the game at all if there weren’t.
Are you serious? It was same guy lol . Darkpator
And as others has stated. The Wizard had 6k paragon points while the Barbarian had 10k. So yes, I’m serious.
If they want D4 (if it ever comes out) to sell at least half as much copies as D3 did on release they better don’t listen to the nerf bandwagon.
Unless they want to make D4 a ghost town like D3 RoS is right now with less than 50-75k playerbase…
Can you provide the source of your info? I just logged in EU Diablo 3 and see Darkpator did 144 with 10540 para. Where did you get 6k? Maybe I missing something?
Someone else provided it and I trust that person enough for it to be correct, cause it was tested prenerf, as told before.
And you advocate to nerf Barbarians yourself. Why? Cause it is on par with everyone else except for Monks?
Instead of trusting people, you can go to diablo3ladder and see that top grift era clears for America/EU/Asia combined. I think this misinformation may be impacting your views.
- The current top clears in non-season for America/EU/Asia combined are
Barb 133
Crusader 138
Demon Hunter 139
Monk 134
Necromancer 142 (being nerfed)
Witch Doctor 140
Wizard 144 (being nerfed)
PTR Barb -140 done (144-146 estimated)
It would be on par if it is nerfed about 20-30%. It is less than 2 GR levels. And barbs will be still much fun to play.
Here you go Micro.
Let people see you for whom you really are. I am done with trolls like you.
Again… I will ask this a final time.
Do you know the difference between one having 10k paragon points and one with 6k?
Do you realise that a 140 clear was done for Wizard vyr with only 6k paragon points while currently the one you list has 10k???..
Are you dense? Who did 140 with 6k para ? where ? Live or PTR? Conditions matter a lot . You can’t compare apples with oranges.
So you refuse to reply to the question at hand. I will not participate in a spamfest you want.
Go have a read and come back when you are ready to reply to the questions.
Here is darkpatator’s hero details for his 144 clear using wizard in the current era.
Please forgive the typos that are fixed if you look at the image at the site.
And it was a 6k paragon point one back in the days running a 140. I wrote 140, not 144.
As written before, I am done with you.
You reply just fine, why don’t you go and reply to the thread about you trying to hide stuff?
btw even that darkpatator guy with the 10500+ p wrote in the comments on his youtubechannel that blizz shouldn’t nerf barb if they have common sense
Diablo 3 PTR2.6.7 | GR140 Solo Barbarian | Rend WW - YouTube (somewhere in the comments…)
not that a nerf should be decided because of 1 person one way or another