Does D4 use a new engine?

So now the question is what percent is the new stuff?

They could have their own in-house engine like Unity with a fully fledged editor and high level scripting layer, or they could be doing it all the hard way. The term engine is used loosely, some people might refer to engine as the rendering/networking/asset loading/etc, some people might refer to engine as the arpg/mmo/gameplay logic.

Too many variables to consider :^)

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Therefore it is not new, it’s an upgrade. If you see the video i posted, Brevik stated that when a company announces a game with a new engine it is almost all cases a marketing move to name an existing upgraded engine. Is it the case for D4?


Instead of focusing on semantics look for yourself and see what’s different. Rendering, lighting and modeling all look like major improvements. “New” engine or not what we’ve seen is basically pre-alpha so a lot can and will change.

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You know nothing about engines, you think Unreal 4s engine is also built from scratch. As if none of the prior stuff from Unreal engine 1, 2 and 3 is there?
All engines get improved and built up on. Sometimes they smack a 2 or a 3 when major changes have been done. Its vey rare you build things from scratch again.

People need to stop asuming everything requires a new engine. Its a classic noob misstake.


Not like people care if it is new new or just new. Some just want to be able to say “eeew, it is D3!”


Sounds damn good to me. Even a 10+yo engine like D3’s STILL provides the best combat out of every ARPG game out there today. It’s a good engine - it’s the servers that suck.

Lol that’s rich considering the game you’re idolizing, aka the minor leagues. D3 is a supermodel compared to POE 4.0.


True. Whoever thinks the D4 demo was a marketing trick (like the Brevik attention seeker guy) with fixed stuff just to look cool and this is 95% the old D3 engine is clueless.

All you need to look at is the game HE put out which he had design control over.

And then 12 years later the re-release still has the old bugs. Another one-trick pony, he will fit right in at GGG since they’re all about one-trick ponies.

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Confirmed, there is no new engine, it’s just an update.


GGG crew have totally wrong perception of where the aRPG genre is going, but let’s not derive this thread with them.

It’s a mix as pointed out by Crayz - old code plus new, but the majority is probably new from what we saw in the demo. As long as the demo wasn’t a marketing trick as Brevik wants ROFL.

Not true.

99% of the game engines of the market are built upon code of previous ones.

Source 2 is an improvement over Source.
Unreal 4 is an improvement over Unreal 3.
Hell, GoldSrc was built from Quake 2’s engine.

They’re considered to be new engines. In computer science in general, it’s considered a bad practice to “reinvent the wheel” instead of reusing and upgrading perfectly good code.

As I recall, I believe they are using the OW engine as the base for the game. But I can’t recall the source.

I don’t think it is, but I mean, look at pred3 videos lol Marketing tricks all day. Gutted it.

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I don’t think so. When we saw Diablo 3 years ago, it was brand new, had no real foundation, the demo sucked and was basic, everything about it was super sketchy, almost nothing was shown, it was cartoony, and the devs at the time didn’t seem to give a damn about anyone. They ignored feedback, they made fun of Brevik on social media like children over a pretty professional comment he made about the game, and there was a lot more.

Diablo 4 had a significantly much more complete demo. The devs seemed pretty open and on top of the direction they wanted to take the game, while showing everyone what the current direction is. They have Diablo 3 as a predecessor whose history they don’t want to relive. The devs were adamant about wanting feedback, wanting to know what players want, and being as open as they reasonably can as they develop the game.

It’s a very night and day difference and while Diablo 4 announcement is most likely in part to the Immortal and political fiascos as well as other things, they definitely wanted to do it right this time. I mean, just look at the art. Look at the things they shared. Main website:

“Return to Darkness”.

That being said, it doesn’t mean people should be any less on their heels to make sure things come out right. Blizzard as a company has had a history of abusing the nostalgia of consumers and bulls***ing their way through things. Things like Immortal causing them to get absolutely reamed PR and reputation wise was a much needed thing. They needed to be humbled and learn some humility. I think it’s okay to wish the best for the D4 game and team but still be cautious. Being open is definitely one of the wisest decisions they can make.


The engine is mostly irrelevant to the players. It might receive some upgrades but the only thing players notice is the game logic and content - the stuff built on top of the engine. You can take Diablo 4 textures and put them in Diablo 3 and suddenly Diablo 3 looks like Diablo 4. Brevik is right about the engine thing, it’s used to generate buzz or simply an easy way to say things are a little better than before.

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how you modernizing something is suppose to be new ??? this sound a bit weird to me , this sound more to me , he spent a lot of time modernizing it to bring d3 to it’s full potential , because everyone know 90 % of the skill ui item are all the same of d3

i just read the blue post and now just see the first post going to watch this video thx for the link

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Depending on the extent of the upgrades it might still be considered a new engine. As OShogun pointed out, the overwhelming majority of engines are built upon previous ones.

There’s very little point in rebuilding something from scratch when you can take something that already works and spend your time making that into something new.

On top of that even if it were the same engine, it’s not like that matters a whole lot to the gameplay of the game. Game engines don’t determine that.

For example EA uses the Frostbite engine in every game they produce. That means Battlefield V, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Madden 20 all use the same game engine.

That’s how much it matters.

Talking about a new engine is mostly a marketing gimmick for any game, because it ultimately doesn’t mean a whole lot to how the game is going to play. Even the game’s art assets aren’t derived from the engine.

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just a little update wow i comment on the blue post and i have any clue on op topic lmao , i think everything is very obvious :slight_smile: to be honest i`m not sock about this 90% of the first impression on d4 , most player say is a reskin of d3 , idk what he have more to say

Brevik was the main guy on Diablo 2. No matter what anyone says, it is the most influential ARPG ever. pretty much all new features it introduced is what other games tries to replicate to this day.
I agree that his other stuff has been mixed, but so what? Very few ever manages to get a chance to work on a game like D2.

Brevik has been vocal about people leaving the company, Activision taking over. And look what has happend. He was 100% right.

Please explain how GGG is a One-trick pony? Cuz they have made one game?