Does a rune override weapon damage type

I am using cursed scythe to proc Nairs Black Death, as it changes the damage type to poison.

However my weapon is currently rolled to cold damage. I’ve been trying to reroll this damage to poison, but since all damage is converted to poison already does the type of damage on the weapon matter at all? or should I just pick whatever damage has the highest number?

In the most cases no.

There are some edge cases like the “Essence of Anguish” shard last season or the wizard passive “Elemental Exposure”

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The element of damage caused is based on the rune on your ability, regardless of what element type is on your weapon. So, if you’re using Grim Scythe and rune it with Cursed Scythe your damage becomes poison, if you runed it with Frost Scythe your damage becomes cold and if you runed it with Dual Scythes your damage becomes physical. The element on your weapon’s damage range does not alter the damage element the ability causes, only the rune on the ability does.


Wonderful so regardless of The elemental type of damage on the weapon call of the damage will always come out is poison.

Are the only other thought I had what is that I have 20% bonuses to poison damage on a few different pieces, and I know that applies to the cursed scythe damage.

So I hope I am correctly assuming that re-rolling my weapon damage to poison would not actually change the damage my cursed scythe does because the bonus damage is applied to the hit from cursed scythe and not to the poison damage on my weapon. This would mean regardless of what element the weapon is doing the only thing that matters is how big that damage number is, be it poison, cold, or physical.

But if that poison/cold/physical number on my weapon was not actually adding to my total weapon damage but instead only attempting to convert a portion of the weapon damage to said element then I should reroll that elemental damage number to a different stat like attack speed etc.

Thank you again for the help understanding the calculation formula

The usual places for a bonus to elemental damage are your bracers and amulet and, if you’re playing a LOD build, you might also have it on your pants. However, each additional elemental bonus gives slightly less of a relative increase in power because…

The first item takes you from 100% damage to 120%, a 20% increase.
The second item takes you from 120% damage to 140%, a 16% increase.
The third item takes you from 140% damage to 160%, a 14% increase.

The ability’s rune determines the elemental damage type caused, i.e. physical, cold, poison.

The elemental damage range on the weapon determines the amount of damage caused. It’s one of the reasons that an ancient weapon does so much more damage than a non-ancient, because the affix ranges on an ancient are approximately 30% higher and, as all your damaging abilities are based on a multiplier of your weapon DPS, that’s a 30% increase.

No, absolutely do NOT do that or you’ll be asking this next…

The only heroes that roll off that affix are support heroes (whose damage does not matter) or a Crusader playing Invoker, where all their damage comes from their Thorns value rather than their weapon damage. In all other cases, that elemental damage range is the major component of your damage. You can re-roll it if you want to try and get higher values for it, but do not roll it into something else.

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Got it, thank you all for the info.