Do you really believe

yes and no, its much more complicated than that as i explained in my post just above you

itll ultimately be aimed at the same playerbase “Diablo fans”, but D2R is just there to keep us busy while they are making D4. D3 decimated the Diablo playerbase and they need to hype as many new players as possible to the franchise

I think the best argument against his Clownery is simply that they arent in competition because 3-4 years separate their release lol

Why do I not believe this?

I don’t want ploot and never asked for it.

I want melee splash, corruption, end game maps, merc full equipment slots, gem / rune stacking, in-game trading platform

The gem / rune stacking is the only thing from your list that can kinda fit into vanilla, everything else is mod stuff.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but wasn’t D3 a huge success? Yes it’s unpopular in the D2 fanbase, obviously, but it’s an really good ARPG. It’s just an terrible Diablo game :sweat_smile:

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Trading platform would be fine too, but yes, while I don’t really want gem/rune stacking, it’s a change that wouldn’t drastically alter the game.

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That’s true. But an official trading forum would also suffice for me.

Just because one doesn’t like YOUR ideas, does not mean one doesn’t want ANY changes. And sorry, but most of you change requests are just bad and feel random. Don’t get me wrong, you also had a few good ideas, but the majority is bad.

High selling number== popular or liked

It’s still rated at 41% on metacritic

Also indeed you can consider it a good Arpg, but it’s not a good Diablo game, which is why it decimated the Diablo fan base, replacing “diablo franchise” fans with “Diablo 3” fans

You are wrong. They could have also created a Tetris clone, it would have sold pretty much the same way, just because if Diablo1+2/LoD.

Player numbers dropped lke crazy, without continuous patches and content updates, this game would have been gone a long time ago.

This never happened.

Ah ok you are right… no point looking at path of exile google search trend to see the spike in interest that happened right when Diablo 3 launched and flopped in the eye of Diablo fans

I really believe nothing. I know a few things, or so I believe.

it’s like stating “hey , i never asked for violence…i asked for a war with bloodbath and misery!” xD

eitherway , wayyy too many changes you are asking for here buddy.

Some Diablo fans enjoyed D3, some did not. I honestly don’t even understand what you’re trying to argue here. D3 is a widely popular Diablo game, even if it wasn’t all that great in my eyes.