Do you really believe

I’ve never said I want zero changes.

You’re trying to fit me into a purist box, in which there is no room.

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I can vouch for Geezer, he was open to minimal change, he’s not a toxic purist.


People have different definitions of QoL. Even things that most people consider quality of life such as a shared stash tab or auto-gold pickup alters the game. For example muling was annoying. Shared stash is a QoL; however, this QoL feature will likely influence was is picked up or left on the ground for some players.

Auto-gold pickup means more gold that in turns means more gambling that means more items that means more good items.

My point is even non-controversial QoL features affect the game. The question than becomes where do you draw the line.

If we’re being technical, I’m actually open to game breaking, massive changes to gameplay and the looting system, but as Micro has said, they would need to be in their own game mode, never to cross paths with the remaster realm.

Many players are against personal loot, etc, even in a separate realm. I would hardly consider myself a purist when so many people would not accept a separate realm.


We can agree though that no rational argument could be made for Corruption or melee splash in regards to Quality of life though, right?

That’s literally all I’m saying here. Sure, ladder only recipes and items being used in nonladder is a large change, but I could see the argument that it is QoL, I can also see the argument that a personal loot option could be QoL.

Changes to item stats, skills, or combat mechanics are outside the realm of QoL. There is no rational argument that disputes this.

You lost me right here, how long out do you think D4 is? Is your definition of “about” the same as Blizzard “soon?” D4 is a year away? Maybe more?

im guessing it’s a mod thing, but what even is that ?
is it something akin to add minus stats to increase positive stats ? or to make the item have bad effect or something if i think of the definition of corruption ?

I agree that those would fall outside of my definition of QoL.

However since Blizzcon timeframe, Blizzard has consistently said that additional changes are possible and even explicitly mentioned balance changes if the players want them. They have also been vague when asked about personal loot going back several months.

Oh, I certainly know they have. I really wish they would have the forethought to state they were open to creating a “new gamemode” in the future. Half the problems of D2jsp hardliners bombing twitter and reddit Diablo pages would’ve been needless if they just stepped out of their comfort zone and stated that, openly.

As it is now, change advocates feel they need to walk all over the base game to get what they want, and people that want a remaster feel they need to shout just to keep the game they love intact.

I agree and have for months, the only way to keep everyone (mostly) happy is two (or more) realms. I can’t see a world where they just have 1 realm and do skill/item balance changes, without receiving massive backlash, memeing themselves in the process.

Me too



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Yeah it’s a mod thing. Copied from Path of Exile. It’s not the greatest mechanic in either game, tbh. Definitely doesn’t fit with D2.

what does it do though ?
i’am guessing it adds stats to an item or something ?
if so that would probably simply be powercreep more than anything else.

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Yeah, it has a chance to “brick” an item, or a chance to add a semi-random modifier…

It’s very “meh”

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i see , considering how it can easily be exploited , for example possibly on white items (which you would then use to make runeswords if they get a good modifier) or simply on unique items that you have too many of , i don’t think it’s a good thing either it would simply make the game probably easier

i personally like the feeling of “ok i have said items finally after months of farming, i don’t need to farm like crazy to get it one more time”.
(unless it has bad roll or if you’d like to have it ethereal)
adding yet another rng on it would make me less happy to loot items as i would think (damn it could be way better…) or simply make months of farming to the bin simply because it would “brick” xD

eitherway that’s quiet a lot of things to ask for there between that and others things… xD personally the one and only thing i would like for VV / Blizzard simply to add more characters slots (20 is…well …pretty low in my opinion compared to OG diablo with multiples accounts)
and i’am sad to see there’s not much discussion on that matter , i mean there’s ton about loot system , random things but not much about that which is , in my opinion the most important aspect of diablo 2 to me : hoarding/farm and making new builds and characters yet there’s no much topic discussing that.
other than that , i can’t wait for game’s release :stuck_out_tongue:

well sorry to say but community here will never accept things like ploot…never and if u won’t believe it keep living in a lie there…

When you corrupt an item you basically remove it from play and then roll the dice. There’s quite a number of possible changes that can be made. It can be turned into one of these -
blue = magic,
yellow = rare,
orange = unique

That’s what it breaks down to at least. :slight_smile:

Dumb as some of those vultures are, they arent that dumb.

But hilarious post otherwise, keep it up champ.

flagged this thread as trolling, what a both, stupid and pesimistic text

Dude… D2R is just a vehicule to attract and retain as much playerbase as possible in the Diablo franchise. D2R serve as a retention game while waiting for D4, that will give the more time to finish the game

D2R isnt in direct competition to D4 lol… the 2 games come out 3 years apart, we wont see D4 until 2024-25

that why they need to make D2r good and potential give it content patch to keep as many players as possible to be in the Diablo bath and ultimately have their antenas tuned to diablo content for when D4 is announced to release and be so hyped about Diablo content that they pre-order

New content is inevitable for D2R. They just have to create a “Remaster” game mode to silence the anoying purists like you that see every changes in a negative light rather than seeing it as a potential improvment

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D4 isn’t aimed at the same player base… Argument ruined.