Do you need any more proof?

The question is what does “etc” and “rework” mean. Some want nothing but a simple video/audio update, some want QoL changes, some want something more.

My favorite game at the time was D2; however, to compare D2 to a Stradivarius Violin that is over250 years old is a stretch. D2 is a 20 year old video game where even the original game designer David Brevik would make changes if he could go back in time.


We could continue to talk in circles on wither to change D2 more or not, that’s why I’m a strong supporter of the separate realm for continued updates and changes. Because I understand the want to preserve the balance etc of d2 as it was when blizz abandoned it. WE are already going to have a classic mode, so why not a d2r one as well.

Cute. You say that, but there is the other side of that argument coming from people like you. How many times have you told those asking for changes to stick to D3 or wait for D4? It’s the same thing. You are just as guilty of the things you claim, but from the other direction. If your argument can consist of go play something else, then the argument of go play D2 as is now is just as valid.


Actually, to my knowledge I’ve never said that. The most I may have said is D2R may not be for you. So no, I’m not guilty at all. For the sake of olive branches, I have seen what you are suggesting, but to make a personal accusation is where you lost the steam.

They stated they not against changes down the road. Many still want to address problems the game has that could be fixed/balanced/changed to better the game there is nothing wrong with such suggestions.
Yah people be fine with how it is on release with little to no changes, but that is not enough to keep people playing the game imo. I know i wont be playing for too long if no changes are made to address glaring problems the game has.

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Devs have correctly added plenty of QoL and deem it to still feel authentic. The community just wants a bit more QoL.

We got:
Loot toggle (don’t need to hold alt)
Much much more stash space
Shared stash
Auto gold pick up
(Way more that I can’t think of)

I want more:
Unlimited moo/king
Inspect would be cool
Stackable runes/gems
Maybe some loot drop color customization (might be in already with color blind customization?)

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Nice analogy, Jackal.

and exactly these people will probably play the game until they drop dead because it’s a great game…as it IS. or they’ll leave after a week…wouldn’t be the worst thing either.

i’m looking forward to the release like a child at christmas.

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Inspect would be nice, I remember when they patched in Trang-Oul’s Avatar and I saw people running around as vampires. I had to look up how they did that, but had I been able to inspect I could have seen for myself in game.

I want more changes but they would be optional, like a option at game creation+filters when searching for games of instanced loot. Charm inventory+balance changes in separate mode/realm like D2classic is or hardcore. Most important of all I want certain build crushing bugs fixed, amazon fend dodge bug, druid fury bug.

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This is not true and clearly refuted by undeniable facts. Diablo 2 was officially announced on February 19, 2021 at Blizzcon online.

Here are undeniable facts and statements that prove that Blizzard is considering balance changes if the players want them.

On March 7, this Blizzard interview was released and directly quote from
How Diablo 2: Resurrected is calling on the spirit of the original ARPG | PCGamesN

**Players have cheesy strategies and classes they’ve come to love over the years. Are you keeping those intact, or will the game receive a balance pass to give the lesser loved classes their time in the sun?**

**Chris Lena:** Yeah, we made a decision not to do balance changes right now, for the very reason that we want to make sure we deliver the authentic experience. Who knows what might happen in the future with feedback. I know our designers have a list of things they would love to do. So we’ll see how that goes going forward.

**How will Diablo 2: Resurrected be maintained once it releases? Will there be balance patches or updates to keep it fresh?**

**CL:** I think that conversation starts with the technical alpha and goes through to launch. It’s really about what players are looking for and what they want. We love this game – we’re remastering it 20 years later – so we would love to continue giving players what they want.

**CA:** Yeah, I think our focus is really to listen to the community and see what they say online, and then see where it goes from there.

Another Blizzard interview is directly quoted from:
Diablo 2: Resurrected’s single-player alpha starts this Friday | PCGamesN
Lena told us that the door is open for things like balance changes to help keep the game vibrant for a modern community – if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen.

We also know that Blizzard asked about introducing balance changes in BOTH of their D2R surveys. Of note, the second survey indicated that balance changes may be introduced after launch, suggesting that the duration of the multiplayer beta and release date is not terriibly relevant to whether balance changes are introduced post launch.

I think that this is incorrect. Please provide links to at least 48 times that Blizzard said no balance changes would occur and that the only changes would be completely restricted to graphics and QoL updates. I provided proof that Blizzard stated more than once that balance changes are under consideration. To my knowledge, Blizzard has never stated that they abandoned their prior comments about balance changes being possible if the players want them.

Even one quote where Blizzard explicitly said that there will never be balance changes in D2R would be nice to support your claim. To my knowledge, none exist.


huh? no, it isn’t refuted by any “undeniable facts”. there you go making up things again out of thin air and trying to make them stick. More quotes that don’t fit nor support your arguments. Just because you want it to be so, doesn’t make it so.

it isn’t though. They did in fact re-iterate over and over and over (48 was just me exaggerating obviously) that this is just a remaster during the D2R deep dive and the devs themselves stated they were skiddish to even add auto-gold and wouldnt do anything further or bigger than that. Ergo, no balance changes. They don’t need to directly say it in order for you to use your brain to deduce that Balance changes > Auto Gold Pick up in the changes category.

less than 2 months to launch bud, trying to pull random quotes doesn’t make reality change for you. If any changes were ever coming, they would’ve announced it months ago or said they were open to them from the start. Which they didn’t, they said the opposite, multiple times. Now that its so close to launch, less than zero chance of any changes at this point.

Its really just sad that you keep going on with your fingers in your ears dude. Just love the game for what it was and still is and stop trying to brainwash yourself and others into thinking any changes were ever or are ever coming.

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Are you claiming that I made up the Blizzard interviews and direct links to media reports of Blizzard interviews that anyone can read for themselves? This is preposterous.

Do you think I made up the existence and the specific questions that were asked in Blizzard’s two D2R surveys?

I gave you undeniable facts using Blizzard’s own interviews and their communication.

Random quotes??? You mean direct quotes and communication from Blizzard where they repeatedly discuss that balance changes may occur if the players want them and have indicated that it is under consideration that these changes occur post launch?

You have not provided a single quote from Blizzard where they explicitly state that there never will be balance changes in D2R in the future. If such a quote existed, you would have given it.

In contrast, there are at least four sets of communication from Blizzard stating that balance changes are possible if players want them and/or Blizzard asking for player feedback directly on balance changes in their surveys. I have provided direct links so that everyone can see where the truth lies.

It is ironic that you bring this up. Blizzard was apprehensive to introduce auto-gold pickup. However, auto-gold pickup proved incredibly popular in the playerbase and that the players want even more changes. The lead D2R designer Gallerani stated that many are under consideration and we now know some have already been introduced as described in the alpha learnings blog post. You can see Gallerani’s comments here to highlight the fact that there is a ton of information about D2R that you have incorporated into your conclusions.

How Diablo 2 Is Changing on Its Path to Resurrection… While Staying True to Its Roots (

Here is a direct quote from that link:
The team also wanted to gauge the fanbase’s reaction to some of the small quality of life changes that had been implemented, such as automatic gold pick-up. “For the most part people really liked them,” Gallerani says. “In fact they want to see more. The game is still a work in progress - this was a tech alpha - so even from the design side we have a lot of thoughts about [additional] quality of life updates and ways we can make them better.”

“A lot of the feedback has been specific, low level, little things across the board,” Gallerani continues. “The community has been amazing, we have sites of people putting together surveys and PowerPoints for us. It’s awesome to see them share how they feel about it.”

“We can’t promise that we can or will change everything,” Lead Artist Chris Amaral adds. “But when there are things we agree with, we can push them a little further.”

“We do prioritise things though,” Gallerani continues. “If something isn’t communicating how to play the game, that needs to be fixed. The next thing would be if it’s betraying something, if something doesn’t feel like Diablo, that’s important. If it’s ‘hey, here’s my personal preference’ well let’s make sure we go through the bugs and other things first. The fact that we have this huge list is awesome.”


all that delusional wishing aside,

Can we all just appreciate how they kept D2R authentic, but also still gave us those extra shared Tabs we wanted? I was shocked we even got that considering how against changes they are. super happy about that. You’ll still have to use a mod if you want to do grail on SP, but i think 3 shared 10x10 tabs is plenty for the short ladders they’re having.

same. so cloooooooooose. I was a tad afraid that the influence of the people complaining about changes and blizz sending out those survey’s meant a possibility for blizz to change and ruin the game, but seeing were just weeks away now from official launch theres zero chance of that happening. thank god the minority of whiners didn’t win. :relieved:


What on earth are you talking about? He had multiple quotes from the developers within the exact timeframe that you are referring to confirming directly what he said (and refuting what you said).
On the contrary, you still have zero quotes confirming what you are claiming, let alone “46 times or more”.

Get on with it and provide your sources, before you try to discredit others who did their homework.

Fine. Let’s start easy. Give us 1 quote. So far you have provided 0.

That ergo is a false logical conclusion. Auto-gold is not “just” a balance change, but a (qol) change to an existing feature. When they are saying that they will not go further and refer to auto-gold-pickup, they clearly are having qol changes of similar gravity in mind.
Balance changes are a whole other topic, even though a qol feature can have balance implications.

So far you have only provided sources that you interpret as stating something opposite. In fact they were most likely talking about QoL features and expectancy curving what to expect on that regard.
MicroRNA’s quotes however are directly referring to balance changes and that they would listen to what the community wants on them. No need for interpretation, it is there in their verbatim text already.

Given all the incoherrent wishful thinking that some people are uttering, fingers in ears can actually be pretty helpful around these parts.
But given the quotes he provides, it would help if you would remove your palms from your eyes and actually read them.

Yes, thank you! Some insight from your part at last!


I know. The facts are there for all to see. The quotes are there for all to see. The links to verify the authenticity of the quotes are there for all to see. Blizzard has been unequivocal that balance changes in the future are possible if the players want them.

Blizzard may decide that there is not enough support for balance changes or they may change their mind and decide that balance changes won’t be adopted if the players want them in contrast to their earlier interviews/communication. However, these comments all came out after the deep dive invalidating the idea that the deep dive fully explained everything. Moreover, there is not a single qute from Blizzard to support the claim that balance changes will never occur in D2R. This is consistent with the fact that no such quote has ever been provided where Blizzard explicitly said no balance changes ever in D2R.

The other point is Blizzard can keep a version of D2 “authentic” in D2R while having selectable options where a less-authentic version exist.

We already know that the screen dimensions moving from 4:3 to support for ultra-wide screens change PvP and PvM (e.g. how monster aggro, attacks at distance, teleport distance, other strategy) make the game unauthentic in many regards.

In addition, we know that auto-gold pickup changes the loot acquisition rate due to more gold (that means more gambling that means more items that mean more good items. Shared stash tabs also change the game.

In D2 currently, a character has access to 48 small squares of non-character inventory storage space. Now it is 400 small squares that is a significant difference.


More proof couldn’t hurt…

Ultimately Blizzard decides what it means to be a remaster.

Yes I wasn’t going to buy this. I walk the walk of shame they were right. I just can’t get Diablo II to run any more.

He does this all the time which is why I don’t really respond much. Maybe to others it appears like a strong point, or mass group wishful thinking? I can’t name the phenomenon.


You mean the phenomenon of actually having legitimate quotes on your statements? Yeah, it is truly strange that some people can actually put sources to their claims.

Speaking of wishful thinking. The equation of calling d2r a remaster meaning all sorts of different things to people like you is also wishful thinking. So much for your “mas group wishful thinking”.

There is a difference in opinions. Facts are facts. You and I may differ on whether or not we want balance changes or optional personal loot.

First, it is a fact that Chris Lena has stated that balance changes are an option if the players want them. The veracity of this fact can be verified in the two links below.

Diablo 2: Resurrected’s single-player alpha starts this Friday | PCGamesN
Lena told us that the door is open for things like balance changes to help keep the game vibrant for a modern community – if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen.

Also, you can see here for direct quotes.
How Diablo 2: Resurrected is calling on the spirit of the original ARPG | PCGamesN

Facts are facts. I would kindly suggest that you do not impugn someone’s integrity when they provide multiple direct quotes from Blizzard to validate their statements/

It is a fact that David Brevik has said on multiple occasions that with the clarity of hindsight that he wished that 3 things were different in D2 (removal of stamina bar, auto-gold pickup, and personal loot instead of FFA loot.) Here are factual links to prove that I am factually accurate in claiming this and that it is undeniable truth.

In 2016, Brevik tweeted that for diablo 2 “Removing the stamina bar and instancing loot are a few things I would love to see.”

Here is twitter feed of interest:

My point is that even David Brevik sees things in Diablo 2 he would change if he could including having personal loot.

Even if you think Brevik mis-tweeted, he reiterated his thoughts on personal loot here: