Died just as Paragon ding, during chest event = frozen

I managed to die JUST as I dinged a Paragon level, all while during a Chest event (kill 100+ mobs).

For about 1-2 sec, I was dead (gravestone) with full Health and Fury bubbles, but then health went to zero and Fury went to about half (103/200).

The resurrect menu never appeared.

My timer for the chest ever ran out, but now it’s just waiting for me to kill all the mobs – but I still do not have a resurrection menu.

I’m guessing the only thing left to do is “Leave Game”, but I wanted to report this first :slight_smile:

It just happen for me to. But just in Torments 9 Rift.
Hop there comes a solution to the problem.

That is correct… Item #6 in the Player list of known issues pinned at the top of this forum :

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