Yes, but you have to be in one of the special groups.
id 45
automatic false
name “cs-mvp”
Being put in one of those special groups can also put you in the automatic ones that everyone has access to.
Yes, but you have to be in one of the special groups.
id 45
automatic false
name “cs-mvp”
Being put in one of those special groups can also put you in the automatic ones that everyone has access to.
Thanks for the link. Looks like I made it , too. I wasn’t even trying.
I also have <17K posts read, so they must have changed something.
I don’t think it’s 5000, or there is some other condition somewhere. I’m at 5.2k and meet all the other criteria that I know of (52 days visited, 557 topics viewed, 82 and 149 likes given and received respectively) but I’m not on the list.
Not that I have any need for TL3, I’m just making an observation here.
So this is manual then since no regular poster have automatic=“false”.
No, this is not manual. Automatic = false means it is NOT automatic.
Automatic = TRUE means it is automatic, based on the forum software.
I even answered you with an example of a private group (CS MVP) where membership is not automatic.
IIRC there was discussion that it can require logging out and back in for a new level to apply from when the new forums rolled out.
Stats |
30 | 3d | 2.3k | 24.8k | 268 | 36 | 20 | 285 | 251 |
days visited | read time | topics viewed | posts read | ![]() |
bookmarks | topics created | posts created | ![]() |
I guess anyone with less than 20k posts read even with 51 days visited won’t get TL3 unless it’s manualy given…
Perhaps, I should remember to log in each time I visit the forums, even if I do not have time to participate in an ongoing discussion. After all, I would like to maintain my TL2 status, in case I ever need to provide a link to a particular (trusted) resource.
Personally, I am satisfied with the perks of TL2. If too many community members have TL3, and were to start posting random gifs, memes, and images whenever they had nothing intelligent or constructive to add to a conversation, then the Diablo forums would resemble the types of comments that are made on someone’s Twitter feed.
Kanai’s Cube
Well, something definitely changed, and it’s not only the threads / posts read count because I had well over the required amount a couple of days ago and didn’t have TL3, now it seems I do.
My understanding, once you earn TL2, you keep it.
It is only TL3, that you have to maintain.
Mine is listed as Automatic=True even though I was manually assigned TL3. So it would seem that only specific groups aren’t considered automatic, while normal folks like myself are even if they were manually input.
Hopefully the automatic flag on my account doesn’t mean it expires, since I’ll need TL3 to maintain the cosmetics guide for you as it has a metric crapton of links embedded into it.
This appears to be true. I had TL3 for a short period on the WoW fora that I obtained the normal way, but not continually reading ungodly amounts of posts knocked me back to TL2, and since then I’ve posted less than what’s required for initially earning TL2 itself, but am still TL2.
I was disciplined for comparing the D3 Devs to Jimmy Hoffa . I thought it was funny, they both disappeared I will never be Trust level 3
Good God. Now the Forum truly does have its own Leaderboard…
I’m taking bets on the over/under for when the first person’s posts exceed their Para.
Is there a TL3 only forum like there is on WoW?
Not that I know of. No Lounge for T3 only. Given how few people are on this forum I don’t blame them really.
TL3 lounge will be cats vs Alf basically. At WoW they have 7-8 races/classes at least.
It doesn’t have to be cats vs. anything. Just having cats makes it lounge-y enough for me.
Hmmm. Cats vs, Alf.
Alf might get one or two, but the cats have already enslaved half of the Humans on Earth.