Did anyone see this POJ bugged

Did anyone experience that sometime when u just started holding TR it do not deal any damage until u released it and start it over?

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I’ve found that if Sweeping wind is not active when you start channeling TR, you don’t get the damage bonus. That may be the issue you’re experiencing. Last season I definitely had a few times where I found my TR doing negligible damage due to casting in the wrong order.

I haven’t have any issue until I get to almost 900 paragon. But today I got stuck a lot, like every time something gets pulled towards me, I stop and my flurry stack lost, has someone experience something like this?

I have the same issues, I have all skills running but no damage, but it comes back when I restart channeling or I dash. It’s really hard to stack flurry with this set, I only use it for farming, and use swk for pushing, which is a lot easier to use, but I hate the slow movement