⭐ DIABLO IV - Feedback Collection Thread

Only weapons wouldn’t be so bad, to keep it very simple and not too complicated. It would be based mainly on how many monsters were killed with that special weapon. All other items would be just as they are. The drop rate for a leveling item would be on par with mythical item. I think this would get people very excited on killing as much as possible and having the weapon “absorb the souls” and grow deadlier. What do you think?

It could also be an attribute called a soul item. You could make any item a soul absorb item, but only once with a single character, so it would be a hard decision which item to turn into a “soul item”. Also the soul item would have a soul meter, and only high level monsters would level up the item. This way people can’t cheat the progress by killing low level monsters. What do you guys think?

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Heaven forbid you go find an item that increases your mana pool, mana regen, or dump points into a stat that increases both of those.

It’s important to fix the simple things first before adding more complexity, additional item classes and verticality. The current iteration of d4 does not works well with its fundamentals yet. It could be perhaps an idea for an extension.
It’s a nice idea on the paper, but you will need a more complex UI, and it looks complicated for the database if you play with 1000 weapons traded among many players. In diablo2 there are passives already for every class type (barb).

I think if item leveling would increase damage only, then it wouldn’t get too complicated or unfair. Also having an item change cosmetically once it reaches max level would be pretty cool. If I have a unique Item that I love, I would like to make that item a soul item and have it grow stronger the more I use it. And absorbing souls is a cool concept, make you feel like a reaper.


Give me the freedom of D2 any day over this D3 resource/cd design with forced generators. It’s just arcade speedy nonsense. If you’re out of mana up your resource/sec or leech. Hopefully they incorporate mana potions again because that really allowed players to play the way they wanted. No more ridiculous limitations due to bad design/balance please.


Soul item would become account bound and cannot be traded.

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100% agree on the drop rate. I want the same drop rate as d2 was. I would grind mephisto for hours but eventually he delivered. The character screen being large isn’t a bad thing. I like looking at how cool my gear looks zoomed in. Also I have glasses and still not a fan of small sized text.


@SuperduperJW - Both Videos have been added. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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good video from Wolfcryer 110% agree , also Seven is on spot about itemization , so many great review , and still ear anything from d4 team :frowning:


I’ve mentioned this several times but the biggest problems that plague D3 are:

  1. The multiplayer system (really, someone has to be on the same difficulty and quest to find a game?? Pretty much only single player)
  2. Itemization is bad (which is also a function of the skill system, both need to be looked at). I could elaborate on this but I don’t think it’s necessary as it’s been done MANY times (there are no exciting items to find, no good legendaries, items are boring, where’s the variety of certain items that are valuable? i.e. socketables, charms, runes, magic items, etc.

Basically, make a followup to DIABLO 2 cause Diablo 3 was more akin to Gauntlet Legends. Basically, I thought D3 kind of sucked if you expected more than a casual game from it. Actually It Lurks Below is made by Mr. Diablo and it is funnily enough as good as D3 with probably a twentieth of the resources. Diablo 3 had a big budget and put it all into polish and looks while failing miserably at most other things.

Can you imagine the Blizz Execs when devising their Diablo plan??? Hahaha. Put that nerd in as the game manager, he’ll do a good job? LOL. Hire more art directors, we’re giving you a staff of 200 people. Ok, hire more artists and graphic designers, more story tellers. All gameplay decisions will be made by our game designer who never played D2 LoD, I think the guy know how to develop WoW expansions or something? He knows what he’s doing. Also, spend a generous amount of time coding a real money auction house please; this part needs to work.

Also, be sure that the team has a limited amount of D2 players on it. Furthermore, do not use their feedback for game design. I mean our lead game designer knows what’s best, I mean we hired him cause he’s really talented! Did you see that WoW expansion??? Just do what he wants to do and get your paycheck. It was awful that players used to teleport and do Baal runs together, I mean this is not a fun part of Diablo that players enjoyed. Immediately make those features about impossible. Nobody should be playing D3 together unless they are walking through the game together starting on the exact same quest and difficulty, put in at least a dozen difficulties and modes so players can only play the game with friends they’ve made. If they don’t have any friends we will keep them in solitude.

Guys, it’s been months. How is D3 coming? It’s a bit rough but it’s ok. Oh really, well then let’s release it. -Servers proceed to be down for days, typical of all Blizzard launches. Players rage at the game servers. Players quickly discover after a few weeks that the game is actually shallow and mediocre so they join me on the forum to rage.

So many resources that were top notch but the game fell on it’s face because the game design was so bad. Pretty much everything in D2 is better than D3 except for some parts of combat are very well done in D3, the mercs are better in D3, and D3 is shinier. Yes, seriously. lvl 99, skill trees, stat points, itemization, end game; these were loads better. Nobody gives an eff about your snippy skill runes and 6 skill cap, lvl 60 getting to max level easily. DIABLO 3 IS EFFING SCARY CAUSE THEY BUTCHERED THE GAME. I didn’t build a D3 hero, I chose a couple viable skills that synergize for my hero. Everything else is boring. Every hero has access to the same skills instantly, everybody’s gear is the same, nobody is playing together, the gear is all the same, there is no trade market, nothing is THAT exciting to find in the game because there’s no market or multiplayer, upgrades are the same but a few more stat points. BORING BORING BORING BORING

I’m supposed to replay Diablo 3? Why? I reached max level and there isn’t a trade market or any valuable items. I should keep playing for a paragon level and the same piece of gear I already have but with slightly higher stats??? LOL. D2 had uber trist/anni hunting, Baal runs, PvP, trading, and item hunting as the end game . D3 doesn’t have item hunting, leveling, pvp, or trading. I’ll give em the uber trist thing cause they have those rifts that you unlock and collect ingredients, they tried on that one. The systems are here again limiting the game in this example.


Because we’re supposed to believe it gets better and isn’t just a Diablo name thrown over a simplistic action arcade pile of steaming dung. Farm farm farm because there’s literally nothing else to do. Why do you farm? TO FARM HIGHER NUMBER!


There you go bro !


Well, the multiplayer system was fine back in 2014 where there a lot more players and less than half of the difficulties, plus no GRs…

thank for the link . very appreciated :+1:

I posted this somewhere else but I found this thread so I wanted to post it here as well…

since diablo 4 is a long ways away I thought it would be good to ask for a few things for the community that I’d love to see like ENB compatibility an invisibility spell! and some more pvp elements that diablo 3 missed out on. since it’s open world some unique pvp rewards would keep players interested in our own little eternal conflict all over sanctuary for days at end I honestly can’t wait to see what you guys do with the game though it looks great so far from what I’ve seen but I feel it could be a little darker to capture that horror aspect that the game deserves for sure! food for thought. hopefully some of the community sees this and adds in some ideas for you guys I know I can go on for days about this subject.

EDIT: Some bosses with mechanics would be cool too, not saying go the whole tank and healer kind of route even though that would be interesting too but with support builds already that doesn’t seem likely but I suggest making the boss fights a challenge instead of the regular hack and smash that diablo 3 feels like once you’re in max level builds. nothing too crazy but a challenge none the less! thinking about diablo 2, seeing some monsters with resistances as well would bring back to the game some of the harder aspects of builds that shine in certain areas of the game and are almost needed to make it through the encounter otherwise you should run away or you will die. flavor for hardcore I think. or maybe just a little easter egg for those Invisible Charged Bolts of Doom! Monsters with buffs absorbs and/or heals would be nice to have scattered amongst the crowds too, to make it that much more eventful haha I hope that you take in some of the ideas here as it could really help you guys out with developing diablo 4!

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If you’re going to base your game off a 6 button console port format at least add modifier keys in to switch spell pages so wen can play something other than a crappy diablo 3 xbox port…

PS… this is not a pc game once again… thank’s for wasting all our time.

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That was well done with the visual examples.

They just made a post that they’ve heard the reviews and are discussing them.