Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

Hello everyone.

Please take a look at Grim Dawn’s attribute and skill point system (I think it’s very good).

The distribution of points by evolving the level (strength, dexterity, intelligence) and being able to redefine.

The item requires a minimum number of a given attribute to use.

You could have an option to use passive abilities like the Grim Dawn constellations using the stories of Diablo’s heroes and gods, such as Bul Kathos of the barbaros, Tal Rashas of the mage.

I didn’t like the character’s dodge, it has to be a character skill, like the mage’s teleport or a barbaro jump or a push of the duida’s bear.

I hope the dungeons have puzzles to solve and really powerful bosses.

Level climbing has to be slow from level 60 ~ 80 and very slow from 80.

Death has to lose a part of XP as a penalty, this exists in Grim Dawn and we can recover a part of that XP by clicking on the tombstone where it died, but an amount of XP was lost, making the player focus on defense and resistances not to die. and if the boss kills the hero gets a small amount of more life.

The item forge would be nice to have really good legendary items and it is difficult and not impossible to get the ingredients to make.

Please do a decent, balanced PvP without having to die for a blow.

It would be nice to have the ability to choose my build of items and skills that is not plastered like in D3.

Thanks and sorry my english.

Heroes in D4 will not be gender-locked. This was confirmed almost a fortnight ago by the US Community Manager…


what i hate about diablo 3 is 2 things about items. First of all, a lot of legendaries is bad and roll with bad stats. Customization is a good option to be decent. But the fact is, legendaries should be “WOW OMG” and had great stats like diablo 2. I dont want a diablo 4 having customization on stat of an item and make it easier to having someting good. At least if you decide to roll a stat on legendary, put a limit of number of try on it. customization on tree skill yess, customization on rune word hell yeah but not on item directly with stats like d3.

Power leveling sucks. Yeah, I know, some of you fan boys love it. But you know, there should really be a hardcore/ironman mode that eliminates power leveling. Truly then hardcore would be you are only as good as you are!

If it’s about Diablo 4 gameplay, I’d love to see skills that can be drawn with the mouse in different directions. Wall of fire, wall of ice, circle of storm, shuriken throw, etc. Moreover, I would even think about skills that get more powerful or gain additional statistics while holding the button longer. In example, you play with the group, someone freezes enemies and you take that time to hold LMB to change your fireball into frost ball that will trigger with the freeze effect put by your mate. 2 seconds, 3 seconds time? Not sure. My idea is to make the gameplay more flexible, to differentiate hack’n’slash speed, to let you decide how to play, to take the risk you will miss the hit if you hold the button too long, but rewarding you if it’s done right. And this opens another way of designing legendary items. In example, Magic Wand that changes fireball into frost ball while holding LMB for 2 seconds or gives additional burn effect that triggers with sth.
Does it make sense to You?



Played all the Diablo games since I was a kid to today. Anyways, my feedback is lengthy, but I hope you give it a good read. Thanks in advance.

Attention Blizzard Devs (and those that decide to read this long post)…here is my feedback for D4 based on demo debut. My feedback is based on my experience from D1 to D3 having played D1 as a pre-teen, and I played all of them, but played D2 moreso. Also, I am a software engineer but in an entirely different industry (robotics, camera/optics system) but I have a fair idea coding that is possible (not a Hail Mary pass to the endzone). In addition, I know your company needs to appease shareholders, so I tried to keep that in mind when typing this out.

1. Environment

  • From Blizzcon: D4 demo looks good, but I want it darker where I get surprised around the D2-corner dark. The D4 demo still looks a too bright although the overall appearance looks melancholy, but on the right-track.
  • Want: Make it look “almost hopeless”, where it angers me and so I steel myself to bring back a smidgen of light by ridding the world of its evil as a hero of Sanctuary. In addition, since the engine will be an improvement, make the weather affect combat and spell-casting. Example: if is suddenly starts to rain, make fire-spell users deal less damage and combat a little more difficult unless a hero has a skill combination that accounts for weather.

2. Combat/Spell mechanics:

  • Demo: Looks fluid, almost seemless, but I do not know what you are running the computers there. How many ticks per second? Framerate?
  • Want1: Too early to suggest anything meaningful, BUT discard auto-targeting for melee characters. It’s annoying that my character attacks the first enemy he/she sees, where instead I want to walk/run around the enemy.
  • Want2: A combat system where I can have several possible combinations…not just pure hack and slash. Basically, I want to have a few attack combination options…possible with ARPG’s? Doesn’t seem to impossible. Ex: Combo 1 -> Bash to stun, then cast a spell of some sort to buff next attack, and then mid-tiered attack skill for bleed so enemy loses HP. Combo 2-> Quick defensive spell like armor enchance, Fast attack skill that setups the power attack skill that finishes the enemy. That would righteous.
    - Want3: Would like to see several attack options and magic offensive options where I can create a 2-3 chains of attack abilities/skills …not like a fighting game, but just to keep the combat from being pure hack n’slash. It’s very boring especially when one starts fighting the end boss. Also, a chain of defensize abilities/skills. This would allow the player potential options to evade and look flashy.

3. Leveling

  • Demo: Unknown other than a tentative Lvl 40 cap.
  • Want: No more paragon and infinite leveling. It’s boring running on that treadmill, which is why I left D3 for a long while, and return usually just to get a new pet or wings. A better leveling system is two Leveling systems running in parallel. Example: Original Leveling to 40 or 50 (or whatever you devs decide), and a separate parallel level which adds on to the original leveling, which we can call tentatively the “nephalem Power”, which comprises of weapon skills, defense skills, magic skills, and specialization skills (that includes dealing with different environments that also includes weather)…which leads me to #4. Example on the specialization skill tree suggestion: Zero-DPS monks in D3 are very useful, but there are no variations in the game currently. You see one zmonk you’ve seen them all. With a specialization skill sub-tree, a zdps monk can support a team not only buffing their fps but also give them boost depending on the environment they are in and help deal with weather anomalies.
    Want2: Cap both the original level and the parallel level that called nephalem Power. BTW, having a nephalem Power level system would work well with the lore.

4. Skill Trees

  • Demo: Too simplistic. No offense, but your demo skill and talent trees resemble more like Skill and Talent Twigs. Disappointing and underwhelming. Build variety will be limited to weapons and items again, and other items which became cookie-cutter in D3 with most players per class using a tiny selection of items because most of the items were not optimal.
  • Want1: Not a massive skill/talent/magic skill tree like Path of Exile because you need a large playerbase in order to continue supporting the game, but more like Skyrim where each skill has its own mini-tree, and this will factor in how much damage I do, how much damage I can take, what type(s) of damage I do, and what do I have in my skill-kit to get me out of trouble if I bite off more than I can chew. I would seriously like to see more depth in the skills and talent trees, so that I don’t have the exact same build as the next barbarian. Example: I could be a Paladin that can specialize in healing the team, provide a boost in magic find to the team, whilst clearing trash mobs.

5. Main Stats and Item Stats

  • From Blizzcon: attack and defense stats, so no more str, dex, etc.
  • Want1: I actually like this because no one, even in fantasy games can you “increase” your str. A better system is get rid of main stats, and go with “attack”, “defense”, “magic”, and “specialization” (see #4 above). This will lend itself better for a wider variety of item stats and not have to rely on the D3 main stats.
  • Want2: No main stats anywhere will allow any class to wield any item, BUT keep item stats specific to weapon skill type or spell skill type, so it will be more beneficial to a specific class.

6. Story Campaign

  • Make the story mandatory to play through. I know there are those that don’t want to, but I’m buying D4 not only for replayability, but also a continuation of the lore. We want a great story in addition to great in-game systems. Twists and turns, getting surprised is part of the fun.

7. Loot system

  • From Blizzcon: Mythic? Too many item levels. I do like that we can equip only 1 mythic, but I prefer 1 mythic armor piece and 1 mythic weapon or off-hand.

  • Want1: Simplify the item rank types to white (common), blues (rares), yellow (super rare), faded-yellows or gold (a better version of the yellows, red (ultimate), and set items (which should be difficult to obtain…but not extremely rare like in D2).

  • Want2: Have loot tables/pools specific (but with some overlap so specific loot can drop in a few locations for purpose of not getting bored) to each dungeon and elites/champion packs

  • Want3: Make a crap ton of loot so there is variety that lends itself to build diversity

  • Want4: Don’t make it so that a certain class has to use a specific weapon to have the best build.

  • Want5: Make all items that we can equip have the ability to socket AND imbue or enchant “runes and charms” through Kanai’s or Horadric’s cube (which we will go find again), but max it to 1 of each per item.

  • Want 6: Don’t make it rain legendaries. It has become ridiculous. Want it to be more meaningful.

  • Want7: Dungeon specific-loot, and since there will be world bosses, have world bosses drop rarer crafting materials, rune words, and a maybe a faded-yellow or gold colored item.

8. Crafting & Reroll affixes

  • From Blizzcon: Crafting will be simple.
  • Want1: A more robust crafting system, but not too complicated. I don’t a specific structure in mind, but here are more wants that I have that may summon a lightbulb moment.
  • Want2: A few more crafting materials to increase the possible combinations of stats and affixes. This alone would create a loot grind in addition to the regular grind for item drops in the world.
  • Want3: Have crafting materials drop from any enemy killed in various quantites, but more rare materials drop from world bosses and dungeon elite/champion packs and bosses.
  • Want4: Allow us to re-roll 1-2 affixes (from the cube or from a specific unique vendor), and make it expensive, and not rerollable for 1-week, or something like that. This would lessen the ability for someone to trade it away decreasing it’s value.
  • Want5: Also make crafted items sellable/tradeable.

9. Trade

  • From Blizzcon: certain items can be traded indefinitely, and legendaries/mythics can be trade once then account-bound, and some items are immediately account-bound.
  • Want1: No D3-style trade…NO RM AUCTION HOUSE
  • Want2: Have everything trade-able indefinitely, but more like Warframe-style trading, where we can invite that person to our clan-hideout to perform the trade (vice versa), and in a secure window; AND
  • Want3: A “Trading/Consignment Outpost” where blacksmiths can act as the secure spot in each town area that can temporarily “hold” your for-sale/trade item in exchange for another item, gold, crafting materials, a combination of things, etc. A player that wants consigned item opens the secure window, places their items to trade for that item, and ok’s the trade/sale. The seller/consignee cannot initiate the trade.

10. Meaningful Hero Development

  • From Blizzcon: time put-in makes us attached to our hero.
  • Want1: All the above will make me more attached to my heroes as well as a deep story that is told decently well.
  • Want2: Give us more things to say not attached to num-keypad because some of us don’t have a num-keypad, nor do I want to buy one. Emotes?
  • Want3: Add a lot of secrets (and trolling in-game) where w have to be careful before fast clicking through an NPC dialogue, but allow us to revisit that NPC to trigger a secret quest. Makes the game more fun.
  • Want4: Ultimately, we want to slay evil, but having hidden/secret quests (lots please) would be great for players to discover and discuss.
  • Want5: Get rid of timers in dungeons, and that “thing” that guards a dungeon to spark us into action and finishing a dungeon quickly because we want to explore a dungeon. We already want to get through a dungeon quickly and sometimes we want to explore. Having a creature that strikes us with lightning or fireball occasionally to spur us forward is annoying. Based on the dungeon keys proposed at Blizzcon, the enemies should have affixes, even the weak enemies with maybe one affix.

11. PvP

  • From Blizzcon: TBD, but heard something about PvP allowed areas in the world.
  • Want: I don’t have much on this area, but maybe gives us the option to opt-in a battle or walk away from that party. None of that bs that occurred in D2, i.e. campers right outside of a town waiting to prey on lower-level players. I don’t play Diablo games for PvP, so PvP is not a high priority for me.

Summary: Thanks for reading this long feedback/suggestions. I want to play a D4 game that has tones of “seriousness”, “dire situation”, and “darkness”. I want to feel involved, surprised, etc. I don’t want to see what enemies are in the next room when I’m a few tile sets away from it. Doesn’t make sense unless I can see through walls in the dark. I want to turn the corner, get suddenly confronted by some demonic beast who may get the first hit on me, and where I have to actually think quickly how to battle. I know your devs can do it, so I don’t mind if the game comes out later as long as the game becomes a true successor to D2.


absolutely brilliance, great job! hope for the best shapeshifting ever!

give us pre order in next year please

Will Diablo 4 also have a weather system based on seasons? Such as Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter?

I wanna see some new character classes, with future expansions. I always was dreaming about some holy caster in any diablo game, not like paladin, monk or crusader… but more like priest/cleric.

About runewords in D4… well don’t call them runewords. Rethink them!!!

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I started with Diablo 1 so maybe a little older than some here. I really agree with the skill tree comments: limited points/specialization. Part of the fun was wanting to make a new specialty (firewall/meteor/FO sorc, BH/zeal/FOH pal, WW/frenzy barb, etc) so I had to build up a new char. More fun than re-rolling skills and this kept the game fun for much longer. You were always building new characters, getting first time quest bonuses, not just looking for paragon points by doing the same speed run on difficulty n+1.

My main concern about D4 (based on gameplay trailers) started later in D3 - so much graphic overload in regular combat. Sparks and lines and colors and explosions - I can’t even see if there are enemies left! (literally have to stop attacking and wait for graphics to disperse to see who is still left). Hitting someone with a sword shouldn’t generate so many lights and magic; blood does not glow in the dark.

If you look at the attacks in D1/D2 it was dark and focused on you fighting for your life against monsters. The new gameplay looks like an over caffeinated kids cartoon. I am excited to build a new PC just for D4 but I will be waiting until after release to see actual gameplay first. I am not going to be fooled again like I was with diablo 3.


Path of exile II after siablo 4 announcement


Shouldn’t this be in our Games & Technology Forum, where we “…talk about other games…” and such?

pfffff… so what?

THis mean diablo 4 can be DOE…if blizz isnt careful and land another d3 system


His unique music style for Diablo I and Diablo II, and very much memorable back in the days. He gave the game a lift because of his music talents. My opinion is that he should compose music for Diablo IV. Never forget him, please bring him back!

And this is from WoW


the graphics look better and darker than D3 for sure although a bit bland in my opinion. not on the level of D1,2 in terms of conveying the dark horror atmosphere, but not so bad that fans would start a petition to change them.

Now that that’s out of the way, on to the more important stuff. I haven’t played more than a couple hundred hours of D3, but iirc, one thing that is a disappointment and a massive gameplay flaw imho and which D4 seems to share as the direction in which it is heading with regards to it’s skill/spell system is the moba-ification of the game. D3 could downright be called league of Diablo.

there shouldn’t be only 4 hotkeys and 2 mouse buttons available to play the game and cast spells. maybe they are doing this for compatibility with consoles or idk, but in a PC game like D2, you could very well use all of the spell tree at any time if you wanted because investing the point means your character has learned those spells. Just play the assassin, necro or druid, and you will need way more than 4 hotkeys… the D3 way is just not an evolution of the game in any way, it’s just an added limitation and a design flaw that flattens gameplay styles to achieve its build pseudo-diversity.

there shouldn’t be cooldowns in a diablo game. Or at least very short ones and very few of them for when it is necessary when casting large AoE like blizzard. D2 has these 1-2 sec. in D3, what you do essentially is just cast everything as soon as it’s available, because it is almost never worth it to hold a spellslot when it could be regenerating some cooldown seconds. in D2, you have everything available all the time, but you have to pick the right tool for the right situation, i.e. large mobs vs. strong bosses, immunes, etc.

Finally, i hope not to see too much flashy animations all the time, i.e. D3 looks like a firework (and D2 also in 8 player baalrun games). Between the monster animation, the sorcs throwing beams of every color, the crit damage numbers the floor AoE effects, etc. Something as simple as teleport should have a simple animation, not some huge lightning stuff. That way, you don’t over pollute the visual space with two many things at once and it feels more like a horror game. That’s why a good solution to this is have the camera “higher” to see larger space at once, allowing smaller animations and less visual spam.

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Many players don’t realize that much of the graphics, such as the effects, can be adjusted in the Video Options in D3. Hopefully, they’ll do the same, maybe with even more fine-tuning, in D4. :man_shrugging:

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Like Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer if you’re not American?

Good for Blizzard to have competition. They even stated that as respect to Grinding Gears Games. It’s a complicated deep game with flaws, but nevertheless, a great game…something D3 should have been having had the success of D2 and it’s cult D2 fanboys.

I from Russia Blizzard do please Diablo 4 interesting and deep game not upset us his fans please.