Diablo III | PTR 2.7.0 Has Ended!

Umm… no…

Necros with HALF my paragon are wiping out elites before I can… but yet they chose to nerf the WD … wut?!?

Easy is not always best… ALL the other WD set have been abandoned… because they are not only weaker than Mundunugo, but also weaker than other clasess’ sets… I don’t see why this isn’t clear to them… The leaderboards speak for themselves… The WD is the lowest (maybe tied with Monk) of ALL classes… so why is the WD being nerfed… it is un-necessary… (clearly).

Agree… but they pick on the WD… always… Let’s not forget this is the 2nd nerf in a row to this set… yet Necros are 2-3 times more powerful…

This is an excellent post that shows facts to back up the thoughts shared… Well done! I think I may follow suit with the America’s stats for comparison.

EDIT: Back with the numbers for the American realm… they speak for themselves…

These are the same stats for American realm:
barb - 120
crusader - 121
dh - 127
monk - 116
necro - 136
wd - 117
wizard - 124

number of GR150 clears
wd: 0 none
necro: 129