You literally made an “IF [reason] THEN [outcome]” style statement where people playing Blizzard games was predicated on whether PezRadar was still a Community Manager or not. So, if that wasn’t the reason, perhaps you shouldn’t have stated it as the reason.
Done with your argument.
Go away please from this.
I support you from the troll that abused you in the past.
Say all you want, I’m done with this post and explaining it.
A community manager that can’t handle the weight of a community
Sounds like a submarine that can’t go in water or a firefighter that’s afraid of fire
Nothing against the guy but for his personal mental health this job ain’t for him
I would say the same thing for somebody that works in Landscaping but cant handle the sun and hard work
He’s searching for the Ark, ez.
Not sure his reply mentioned it was work related. All he says is that there is ‘a good amount of stuff’ in the past few weeks. There could be any number of extraneous reasons he booked off. Family, health, relationships or finances are the more likely reasons for taking time off.
I seriously doubt the forums are a major stressor.
That said, I wish him well and hope for his speedy return.
Just wait for it:
He’ll come back later and say he had time off and did some deep thinking and decided it’s time for him to move on to a new project. He has allready quit.
He is still around, just not on this forum.
Next D4 blog:
“Later this month. Focus is on exterior and environmental art. Game is gorgeous. ”
let’s see down the line in 3 months.
So it is another of those blogs
Having a thick skin is a prerequisite for the job.
Yep, people aren’t taught or incentivized to thicken their skin anymore
It’s always the fault of something else
But that’s a reactionary mindset rather than preemptive one
That’s a bad analogy because firefighters are rightfully afraid of fire, just like the rest of us. Possibly even more so because they know it’s their job to go into them to put them out and/or rescue people from them. Being afraid of something that could kill you, but facing it anyway, on a daily basis, for years on end, that’s bravery. It’s nothing like being worried by mean words on the internet.
You clearly don’t know what afraid means…
You don’t know to be afraid to aknowledge and respect the danger something poses
Bravery isn’t about being fearless, it’s about being afraid and having the courage to do it anyway. Talk to some firefighters. They’ll absolutely admit to being afraid of fire. Rightfully so, because they see its effects every, single day.
Good for Pez. Life is too short to grind work all the time. Hope he was able to relax and be able to refocus.
I personally take 2 different mental health weeks off a year on top of my fun vacation. It makes Alex less mad and more mad.
He’s an awful anonymous troll trying to rip into someone and clearly has some beef with him.
If Sek’s posts on here are anything to go by, he would have little of value to say on other social media. I’d guess he’s one of the ones blocked by PezRadar. Even if he’s not a Bravata puppet account, I feel the best thing to do is ignore his obvious attention seeking and add him to the Bravata Memorial Ignore List like the other bitter trolls that exist on the forums.
And flag the posts. I can’t imagine PezRadar’s coworkers will take kindly to what this troll has to say about him.
Shout out to everyone on here who has nice things to say about one of the more active CMs we’ve had in recent times. And a pox on the children who haven’t quite grasped the concepts of mental health just yet.
Nothing he has ever said had anything negative to do with the Diablo Community.
PezRadar is not an Associate Community Manager, or Community Manager who are the ones who usually do the front line work. He is senior over not just Diablo but other Franchises too. It is very rare people at Blizz in his role even post at all. He has never complained about that at all. He has never complained about the Diablo community either.
Whatever is going on, his Twitter and his Insta are PERSONAL accounts and if he wants to shut them off for a bit it has nothing to do with his job.
Post what you want, but leave people alone.
If you were Currency you would be one twentieth of a sterling pound
You’d need a time machine to go back to before 1971 when the decimalisation of UK currency occurred for that reference to make sense as, for over 50 years now, a 20th of a pound has been five pence.
Yeah 50years overweights 1200years of existence
Shilling for shilling as I see