Diablo 4 from hopeful to worried

No, we want a proper game and not a game where you can laugh your a s s off by walking through enemies like nothing.

And where did I say that you claimed that “mr. smartest person in the world”?

Sure man, i can say the same back to you
I dont give two big damns that you like D3 combat either.
But Blizzard should care if they want to revive their playerbase or just have an almost dead fanbase after a few months after release again like D3 currently is.

Sure, I get it.
The old playerbase needs to be forgotten.
Just rename Diablo and call it a day.
The game is yours to enjoy.

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I think the problem here is the fact that they were "Showing off " the rouge . It looked like the fights were more of just a display of the skills on lower level monsters to give a feel of game play and capability’s . Ya, She looked badassed but you need to take into account if you are showing off a class you do not want long drawn out fights it was a short demo. Show class, Show skills, show combat, Show gameplay. Nothing more .

Which you can get without using the very specific mechanic that Diablo 2 has.

Well you keep replying to me talking about how bad you think Diablo 3 is and how you don’t just want Diablo 3 combat again.

So you’re at least acting like it’s relevant to what I’m saying.

I don’t. Try again.

There’s also a difference between taking ideas from all 3 games and simply just forgetting one playerbase entirely.

Anybody who thinks that not catering specifically to everything a certain group wants is forgetting them should be ignored.

It doesn’t matter if they like Diablo 1, Diablo 2, or Diablo 3. Blizzard isn’t making this game for only you and people like you specifically.

If all you wanted was Diablo 2.5 then by all means, just stick to Resurrected. Diablo 4 was never going to be that and you were never promised that.

Thats nice.
Prejudice and create assumptions because of your character of “always being right”.
You have claimed many times already that you dont want D4 combat like D3.
Some people arent dumb you know.

The past proves otherwise.
We have had many discussions regarding how resources are being handled and that you 100% prefer D3 resources over D1/D2 as being an example.
And yes, these resources are definetely bound to combat.

There are some ideas and QoL that D3 already provides like stash tab, auto pick up gold and no more stamina bar.
Also stacking gems and materials for example were big improvements over D1 and D2.

Yeah as I said, count me out because the game will most likely cater solely to the D3 community instead.
Cheap company using the name of diablo just to get massive sells out of D3 & D4 dont you think? Doesnt matter anyways. Everywhere I read that good old Blizzard is long gone in youtube.
They could have left the Diablo tittle alone and name Diablo 3 something totally different but they did not.
Seems like Jay Wilson and Josh Mosqueira were super successful with the development of D3 so that they are still working in the company right?
Still, funny that I read everywhere in youtube that D4 is currently aiming to be D 3.5

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No I don’t. The main thing I said about resources in Diablo 2 is that spamming potions leads to mana management not mattering because you’ll just regenerate that mana in a couple of seconds.

I’ve also floated a few ideas that takes an aspect from how Diablo 3 does things, but I would hope that the big brained Diablo 2 community that goes on about how much intelligence is needed to play that game can grasp the concept of thinking one aspect of something has merit while not thinking the whole is amazing.

Then again, maybe that level of nuance is just asking too much from anybody around here. It’s easier to group everybody up into either the “D2” or “D3” camp and pretend nothing else exists.

There are also some other areas they’re going to take ideas from, and there will be some ideas that are brand new.

Personally I prefer to form my own opinion rather than looking to what is being posted on YouTube.

Especially if we’re talking comment sections. That place isn’t exactly known for its abundance of rational thinking.

We can only comment on what is shown, and currently there is not big innovation in D4 systems (besides PVP, but I even heard that they copied this from another game already), instead we just hear that they scrap old systems because they dont like it and nothing else.
Same to the answer regarding trading.
The Rogue playstile/gameplay was super similar, if not WAY too similar to the demon hunter.

Aw come on, dont prejudge people there to be purely simps.
Irrational thinking people are everywhere.

The only thing that has me worried about D4 is that it is becoming a “design-by-committee” affair, dictated by screaming man-children with nostalgia for game design from 20 years ago.

Plus micro-transactions and season passes.

Are you kidding. The most adamant defenders of Diablo 3 have post counts well into the thousands. I sometimes wonder if they’re paid by Blizzard just to make these forums seem lively and post all day. They can’t let any topic that is pro D2 go on without flinging their poo into it and I’ve never seen them criticize D3 even though they pretend to be non-bias. Most of the Diablo 2 fans have moved on to other social media outlets so they don’t have to deal with Diablo 3 fanboys.

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The only thing that reminded me of D3 is how smooth the combat is. If every class had the mobility of the rogue, which they don’t, then I could understand the comparisons. But most of the time it comes off as a cheap shot from those who didn’t like D3 or have spent about 3 seconds glossing over stuff.

It does look like you’ll have to be more methodical/tactical in your approach. But again, what we have seen was carefully curated/created to show off the classes, not necessarily a 100% true representation of moment to moment combat.

We’ve also seen things like ADA powers which are not exactly Diablo 2 or 3. Sure you gotta get into the finer details to say that, but we’re already in a discussion about finer details when we’re talking about hit recovery in Diablo 2 and the merits of reducing the animations by very specific frame counts.

They could come out and say the same thing we’ve been telling you about how constantly losing control of your character makes the game feel less responsive and as a result less fun. I doubt it would make anybody currently going on about hit recovery happy, but they could do in the next quarterly update I guess.

Also on trading they’ve said they need to figure out what they’re doing with it, and if you’ve been in any of the trading threads you should know I’m 100% in favour of Diablo 2 style trading(except maybe don’t have “untradeable” items like the Anni charm. That just benefits scammers cause we’re gonna try to trade it anyway).

All the more reason not to put any stock in what other people are crying about =P

There was no mention on anything of that but just saying that they were replaced by D1/D2 stat allocation.
So far we dont know if its completely removed or not, and nobody asked such a question in Q & A’s for some reason.
Just like the stagger bar which was shown in D4 against asheva on D4 blizzcon reveal (not that im a big fan of it anyways, but it was still something new).

I can also tell you that many people dont care about game being “less responsive”.
Diablo 2 is a game where you come prepared to the combat and you have to theory craft and analyze yourself and your enemies strenghts and weaknesses so your build is finally something you experiment with and prove your theories in the praxis right.
I know there is also the A in the ARPG genre, but that does not mean that everything needs to rely purely on action and ignore tactics or strategies on how to engage certain enemies or PVP builds.

Yeah, I have read that you are in favor of trading but we still didnt hear anything new regarding this.

What I implicitely meant is that we are also in a D3 forum, while people outside of here have a different PoV.
Bias is going to be here, if you want it or not.

Yeah, thats something that I have thought many times as well.
Or they could be just die hard fans, who knows.
Still, I have seen few defenders of D3 in other social medias as well (not that they are many though, compared to the many people who are in favor for D2, but they are still there) so I guess its just the old apples to oranges of split communities.

I would hope they keep it, though there are other things like runewords which are something new even if they share the same name as something from Diablo 2.

Many people do care about it and nobody really knows which side is the majority despite how people around here like to claim that the majority agrees with everything they say.

This is just people explaining to you why the mechanic is viewed as unfun.

“have to” is a strong phrase given some of the builds I blundered through hell on when I first started playing.

but I’ve also said that character building should be more like Diablo 2 anyway. The biggest issue the D2 fanbase seems to have with me on this one is they don’t appear to like that I keep calling Diablo 1 & 2 easy games.

The hardcore D2 fans around here love going on about tactics and strategy and I’m just sitting here like “haha whirlwind goes brrr”.

and before I get the standard issue response: Yes Diablo 3 is even easier. That’s a lot like mentioning the number 2 is higher than the number 1. Neither are high numbers to begin with.

Yeah but my point is they didn’t give the same answer of “we’re scrapping it because we didn’t like it” and call it a day.

We haven’t heard anything because they’ve said they don’t know what they’re doing with it yet.

This also isn’t the only place I hang around on the internet.

but there’s going to be bias everywhere and like I said: Nobody can accurately say which side the majority is on no matter how many times they want to make that claim(and both D2 and D3 fans around here do it a lot).

Which takes us back to what other people are saying is almost not worth thinking about.

Let’s put it this way, I was hopeful for D3 up until they made known their plans for 1.04 to completely kill the challenge. D3V was rough but at least it was substantial, even if it was vitamin-deficient, empty calories. It’s mainly that there was no replacement at the time, instead telling us to “stay tuned”…? is when I walked away and never looked back except on a lark.

Agreed, I’m mainly curious if they tested hit-stun using buffered inputs, or if inputs could randomly fail based on the interval, latency and things like in D2.

I rather like the idea of monsters exerting zones of control over the player, sort of like a “light” obstacle in addition to actual collision, that you can maybe traverse with proper stats and luck, if avoiding the zones becomes impractical. It was very intuitive in D2 anyway. I mean, one does not simply brush against a throng of monsters dozens-strong!

But of course there could be a place for the “rat with a flexible rib cage” playstyle, slipping through the smallest cracks.

There are mounts.
World bosses.
Non-linear campain.
Open world in general.
Unique classe systems.
Talents and modifiers having Attribute prerequisites.
The new PvP, runewords and Boss stagger bars have already been mentioned.
And many other small features…

Sure, you can probably find many of these concepts in other games, but they are new to the Diablo franchise (sometimes even to the whole ARPG genre).

By not means does it make D4 particularly innovative, especially compared to D2 and D3, but I wouldn’t say it’s just a rehash of previous games.

D4 looks to me like an improved D3 with some ideas from D2. I don’t expect it to become a cult classic like D2:LoD, but I expect that I will like it more than D3. That’s something, because I spent over 500 hours in D3. Just lower your expectations. If it will be better than PoE2, then it’s going to be a fine game. Just don’t expect that you will play it for a decade like some of you did with D2:LoD.

idk man you are seeming very defensive of blizzard or also read as anti-me.
Id like to know which one is your stance.

Our post history has you anti-me, always, every post, every time.
So, can you just stop replying to posts of mine if you are just anti-me regardless of what i type?

We will. Enjoy your Activision crap for a couple weeks before you get bored and never play it again. See you in D2R.

Another troll fail :point_up_2:

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I’m not trolling, I meant what I said. People who want this game to be more like D3 (an objective failure) than D2 (one of the most iconic masterpieces of a game ever made) are shills and fanboys. Pathetic.

If you were a fan of the diablo series you would understand.