Diablo 3 Rumors

I think this will come back to the devs reading to make that call. They know the code and systems at hand.

I have a pretty good idea how it could work under the hood, but you never know what shape the code is in till you look.

that is my personal take on the issue too.

I’m gonna guess that the D3 code is REALLY BAD under the hood. Witness not being able to increase stash on consoles issue…imho, “professional” devs are never great coders - witness the mess that is Microsoft Windows, I mean Bloatows!

Id be inclined not to assume, but really it comes back to the devs.

I dont really mind either way, provided players get something they’re happy with in this area in a timely way.

As I keep saying, whilst the discussion on SSF is relevant to D4 it is not relevant to D3.

The design goal of D3 is group play on PC and local group play via co-op on Console. Seasons on console were added later to keep the player interested but they are not the main point of D3 on Console.

Similarly on PC the whole design of D3 is multiplayer. They encourage and focus around group play.

Hence why I can never see SSF coming to D3 but they are considering it for D4.

In regards to the “Stash Space” for consolses…from what I saw and told was; yea it’s tied to the so-called Code and with the console version tied to the limit of memory. PC Players have got additional Tabs from past patches…now able to hold 13-14 Tabs with each maxing out at 70 items per…we’ve been stuck at 350 space like forever…

As back to the Follower getting something, not getting something, getting something that does nothing but hey looks pretty awesome…and nothing for Groupers…I myself was hoping Followers would get a Boost of Something…why not since you have Followers in Neverwinter that actually can be loaded and help…in PoE, well not per-say Followers but you get Totems & Golems that do help and alot…but then again looking at the restriction with Stash Space tied to Memory…well that might be the answer…

As to Nerfing Character…GOD DH in this case…always will happen and always does no matter what game out there…like say Destiny…where Bungie probably spends more time Nerfing than anyone else. But I saw an article from general last year about raising the Torent Level to 20 and not many wanted it. And interesting they mentioned instead Blizzard opted to increase damage & health overall to satisfy the crowd calling for Buffs…so the Nerf and Buff issue both counter-acts each other…the Nerf part is a thin line on either “Toning Down…or Nuking a Character/Item”…

They tried increasing stash space on console and PC. They admitted it cannot be done without impacting on loading times and performance.

We will never get more stash space without a complete overhaul of a 7 year old game. So you know what that means…D4 will correct all of D3’s issues like stash space, solo v group etc.

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Put a idea in the ptr forum to add a xp bonus to each emanate item worn. It could bring us closer to group play but not overtake.


“professional” devs tend to have a bad rep for quality of code. Not to mention code bloating. open source devs are typically much tidier, much more efficient, and much better quality code is typically present. commercial software is developed to a price…and a marketing point of view (game must launch on X date!!!). One only should look at how terrible bethesda’s games are when it comes to bugs…they don’t even bother fixing their bugs lol!!!

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haha… im just not even gonna touch that :slight_smile:

But an A for a good laugh.

Maybe Diablo 3 on PS4/XB1 can indeed get a patch for PS5/XBSX?



Lu Bu :crazy_face: :triumph:

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Patch update deployed and guess what…

Nerfed the only thing that looked half decent, necro revamp of rathma.

From the thousands of comments on ptr feedback, nothing changed on followers, god set got a slight buff but still no where near enough.

That seals the deal, season 23 is bust!

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I’ll fully admit, the Rathma set was originally a bit too overpowered. Prior to the patch, I was able to run a GR75 fairly consistently with just the set, the bracers, Nayr’s, and Jesseth’s. No paragon, no gems, etc. For a GR75 (Divinity Conquest), that’s a fairly light amount of gear needed.

Post patch, I was struggling to pull off a GR75 with the full build (sans Captain Crimsons). The main thing I don’t like about the Necro to begin with is that they’re super squishy, and I’m mainly an HC player. And it bugged me that the new set has a power that is activated on your death, which is worthless on HC.

GoD got corrected a bit, so it’s not as bad any more, but as it’s not Haedrig’s Gift next season, that doesn’t bother me as much. I tend to play until I complete the season journey, and on a few occasions, I’ve missed completing sets, so I’m focused on what the Gift sets are.

For me, I’m looking now at either Barb or DH. Wastes is by far the most powerful of the Haedrig’s Gift, and easy to get to GR75 with minimal gear. UE is fine, once you have the Dawn and Yangs, but getting them can be a pain. And you’re super weak until you get them, even with the 6 piece.

I typical get the pets in 2-3 days but that is only because I play 100% solo.

depending on how fast I can get my follower geared up maybe I can do it even faster this time? :thinking:

Hey BT (I forgot your real name already as many times as we talked on demon souls) anyways, are you starting HC for s23 to bang out the conquests right away with your husband/wife team (profsomething) or are you going to play the pc version first and switch over to console this time around?

This season, going to start SC on the PS4. Up for joining up?

yup, I might end up playing on my ps5 this time around but I will make a crusader again. I know they wont be the most powerful but for some dumb reason I just like playing them. Now with a follower with a cheat death and crusader already had 2 cheat deaths, ill be GODLIKE lol 3 different cheat deaths will be funny to see if they all go off differently within 2 minutes. GR151 here i come! hahah

What’s your plan? I have hit this Season hard so not doing next Season hard in terms of GR leaderboards but may be up for something different like the race for journey etc.

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are you interesting in joining us too homer? that will be fun having a drunken sounding scottsman. heheh

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Pretty much.

The Americas has been broken the past couple seasons, so I figured, it might be nice to try out a season start rush on the console. Goal is to get the Season Journey done in under 10 hours. With this, I will be helping a couple other people out with some of the conquests. Feel free to join if you want.