Diablo 3 Features

As a matter of fact, Diablo 3 Seasons should be a permanent feature in non seasonal play. And you should increase the appearance of rainbow goblins


I assume you mean that the season effects/theme should continue. However, that would result in 26 seasons (not actually but irrelevant) of compounding BS OPness. Plus, who in their left mind wants the season of epileptic fits back, at all?

Soul shards with ethereals? No thank you. I say that as casual who can’t even unlock GR120 during season let alone complete it within time limit.

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Tell me if I miss something in this sarcastic answer

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That would be nice xD, but at least if they should increase the apparitions of the rainbow goblins, that would be great :slight_smile:

yes, ghosts of rainbow goblins would be truly amazing…

Rainbow Goblins are easy to find if you look in the right places. Can find 5 - 8 per day, if you are determined.

I’d wager you’d find more than that if you joined public bounty games all day. Just have to remember to go to Whimsydale after the bounties instead of automatically going
“gg ty etc” :arrow_forward: Leave Game like I do. :laughing:

(though I’ve already got the wings so I haven’t purposefully gone to Whimsydale in a couple of years.)

Hard, no, time consuming, yes.

Not especially so if you are using a speed build and visit the right areas. Seems like certain times of day play a part in it as well, but that is probably just confirmation bias.

It’s still RNG. Farming the wings, the only reason to hunt the rainbows in the first place, takes days of playtime if the RNG gods don’t love you.

Also tons of gems, loads of mats, excessive legendaries, etc… There’s more than just Cosmic Wings in there. Whimsyshire is pointless after getting the Rainbow portrait frame, however.

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So, my Barb can look like this?

Whatever floats your boat, man. :crazy_face:

I edited it.

Sure, it is, all of which are much more efficient to farm elsewhere.

You just want to argue, don’t you? The guy mentioned Rainbow Goblins, I mentioned they are easy enough to find if you look for them. If he wants to go hunting for them, let him. If you don’t want to, don’t. It really is that simple. :roll_eyes:

Has nothing to do with efficiency…

I never said it was hard, I said it took time. Do you honestly think anyone hunts for rainbow gobs for any other reason than the wings?

You’re the one that argued it was a viable farm method. Are you actually arguing that efficiency in farming is beside the point?

Yeah, I am. Maybe somebody gets their jollies killing Teddy Ruxpen and My little Pony.

Where did I say that? I pointed out that there are other things in Whimsydale than just the Cosmic Wings.

I feel like I’m arguing with a 12 year old. End of discussion.

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Whimsyshire for portrait and Spectrum.

The weapons which grant transmogs are available in both Whimsyshire and Whimsydale, it’s only the rarely-spawning mob drops which differ…

Whimsyshire Whimsydale
Accessed by Staff of Herding Portal left behind by Rainbow Goblin
Weapon 1 Spectrum Spectrum
Weapon 2 Horadric Hamburger Horadric Hamburger
Rare Cosmetic Rainbow Portrait Frame Cosmic Wings
Loot levels Poor. Pre-ROS content Excellent. Post-ROS content
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